Plague Lords

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a game by Red Unit Studios
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Strategy Games, RPGs, Survival Games, Crafting Games, Old School Games, Best Roguelike Games, Cult Classic Games, Base Building Games, Turn Based RPG
Plague Lords
Plague Lords
Plague Lords
Plague Lords

Having learned about the black death while at school, Plague Lords having that as a theme is something I think is really interesting. This is a turn-based tactics style of game that has a few neat ideas that make it rather unique and different from many other games in this genre. I know that some people have a hard time getting into games like this, but I think that this one here could be offering enough different things to make this a game accessible for most players.

More Than Death

Set during the 14th century, the back death is destroying every city and village that it comes across. In Plague Lords, you are leading a settlement that has been looking for a missing nobleman and you discover that there is more to the black death than people first thought. The story is basically you trying to establish your settlement, have your people survive, and fight off the real cause of what is causing this misery all over the world!

People Power

One of the most interesting aspects of the gameplay here is the way your group is handled. You do not just have a bunch of random soldiers or random builders. Each character in Plague Lords is unique, with their own name, set of stats, and job. You can have as many people as you can look after and each person has their own job. However, as long as their stats are good enough, there is no limit to what your people can do. People management is a huge part of the game and as each person is so important, when one falls in battle, you really will feel it.

Working With What You Have

The progression in the game is very interesting. In many strategy games, you work towards building better and more advanced technologies, but in Plague Lords, the black death has pretty much put a stop to that. However, you can still have your people level up and learn new skills and there are around 30 or so buildings that can be built by your builders/blacksmiths are you progress through the game that can help you survive and fight off the black death. It is an interesting way of handling progression in a game like this in my opinion.

The Worries Of The World

While there is a great deal going on that you have to keep an eye on in Plague Lords, it is not so much that it is overwhelming. You will have to send parties out to various locations on expeditions to try and find new stuff you can use, your people need to be fed and looked after, they can even get the black death themselves which can help you, but in an instant turn against you! As I said, there is a lot of depth to this game and many things that you have to worry about, but you always feel like you are working towards something.


I have played many tactics-based games over the years and find that they tend to either be lacking greatly in excitement or are too complex for their own good. I think what they have done here with Plague Lords is very interesting. It has a great story and premise that will hook you, but the gameplay has a great deal going on, but at the same time, it is not so overwhelming that it becomes frustrating or no longer any fun. There is currently a free demo of this and I highly recommend that you check it out.


  • I am loving the black death inspired story being told here
  • I like the progression system in the game
  • It is neat how each member of your party feels like an individual
  • The game is challenging, but not overwhelming


  • I hope that they can pull off the ending to this interesting story they are telling
  • While it is more accessible than some other tactics games I have played, there is still a learning curve here

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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