Project L

Download Project L and prepare for an intense, action-packed adventure! Master your skills, conquer challenging levels, and uncover a thrilling story in this captivating game. Are you up for the challenge? Play now!
a game by Riot Games
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Fighting Games, Hack and Slash Games, Best MMORPG
Project L
Project L
Project L

What the hell is 'Project L,' anyways? You've probably guessed that this is not the name of Riot's upcoming secret project. If it was, they surely need to rethink their creative department. Alas, the superstar developer has decided to release a fighting game based on their core franchise - surely you could guess what that is!

It almost seems like an attempted to milk the franchise into every possible game. It's actually surprising that a fighter hadn't been on the cards considering the lore and general premise behind it. But here we are with very minimal information as to what 'Project L' will come across - but we have a few clues to lead upon.

Extraordinary League of Fighters

Riot has been tight-lipped on 'Project L' - only giving fans a few updates here and there. More recently, they have allowed a select few to try the game in a closed beta. We should have more information soon, but until then, we can only speculate on how this League of Legends fighter is going to be represented.

From the few clips we've seen, 'Project L' will be a 2.5D fighter much in the vein of other popular fighter franchises. Naturally, it's going to use its League of Legends roster and incorporate all their traditional abilities into a more detailed arena. We've only seen bits of what the game will look like - but likely to be very accessible in graphical representation.

That's not to say characters won't have detail, though. Riot is consciously bringing their beloved characters into an up-close and personal perspective - engaging their players during any downtime from the original game. The idea behind 'Project L' seems to supplement waiting for a match in League of Legends or creating another competitive environment for dedicated players.

Given the nature of the franchise - we expect 'Project L' to follow traditional fighter mechanics with combos, abilities, and extraordinary visual flair. All, of course, wrapped in the League of Legends skin. Until we see some official gameplay, we can't piece together exactly how the game will play. All we know - it's something to look forward to.

Legends, Are You Ready?

Riot has made a killing in their staple franchise of League of Legends and the following suit to expanding like counterparts Blizzard do with their core IPs. 'Project L' seems to the game as what Hearthstone is to World of Warcraft. Although they are entirely different genres - the whole idea of a supplementary game binds them together.


'Project L' is more likely the Marvel Vs. Capcom franchise in a League of Legends capacity. Even if the game doesn't play as well, it will still be an intriguing play. Seeing popular characters like Katarina flash her blades into the throat of Zed right up close to the action won't go amiss. If Riot says there will be a release this year - we expect much more info soon!


  • The Popular League of Legends franchise turned into an action-based fighter
  • A lot of potential for an entertaining fighting game
  • It could work in parallel with the original game


  • Very little information divulged yet

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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