Roommate Corruption

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a game by Love Seekers
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7.8/10, based on 2 reviews, 3 reviews are shown
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel, Big Boobs Games #oppai, Corruption Porn Games
Roommate Corruption
Roommate Corruption
Roommate Corruption
Roommate Corruption

If you want a short, but sweet lewd visual novel, Roommate Corruption is the game for you. I had a lot of fun with this and it kind of blew me away with how it just kicked things up several notches out of nowhere. Of course, the fact that this game has an absolute hottie to play with in the form of Hana made this a quickie that I will never forget. If you are someone who loves lewd games but wishes not all of them lasted for several hours, I highly recommend that you give this one a try.

Does He Not Have Facebook?

I feel that the tone of Roommate Corruption is great for those who want something hot and steamy. Our main character is looking for a place to stay as he is about to start university and it just so happens that one of his best friends from childhood has a place he can crash at. Hana was someone that he liked back in the day, but he is super shocked when he shows up and Hana just so happens to be a perfect 10. What I don’t get is how was he shocked by how hot she was. If he was chatting to her, he surely must have seen her pic on Facebook. Lewd games are not the place to be looking for logic now are they?

Fatal Attraction

Do not worry there is no bunny boiling here! Roommate Corruption is a story that is short, but it is very hot. What we have here are two very hot characters that have this almost instant attraction to each other. While the game does have corruption in the title. It is not your typical corruption story at all. We are not taking advantage of her at all, she clearly wants it and we are just trying to help these two get to it. For a game that is so short, I was very impressed by how they were able to have all this sexual tension, it made for a story that was so hot it was fire!

No Messing Around

Do not expect to be making all kinds of choices as you progress through Roommate Corruption. This is a more or less a lewd kinetic visual novel where the story has a path and you do not get to change that path at all. What is kind of interesting here is that there are a couple of instances in the game where you are required to click on the screen in order to progress. I am not sure what the point of this is, but it is there. In all, I do not mind the lack of “gameplay” here because the story is so focused, plus, you are looking at 30 minutes to see this through to the end so it is not like the game overstays its welcome at all.

I Like The Way She Moves!

Hana is an absolute knockout! Roommate Corruption is a game that easily makes my top kinetic lewd visual novels list based on the hot main babe alone. This game is so freaking hot and I love the way that these two have an attraction that is so strong, the game does not make us wait long for the XXX stuff at all. The only problem is, this game has no animation! How do you create a babe this hot and not have at least one animated sex scene? I will admit that during my playthrough, I was so into Hana that I kind of did not notice the lack of animation, but the more I thought about it the more I wished the game was animated.


If you like the look of Hana from the main image, you will like Roommate Corruption it is as simple as that. This is a very short game, but that short length does kind of add to the appeal of it. The game does not mess you around, it just gets you straight to these two hot characters banging and that is something I am all about!


  • I think I am in love with Hana
  • The story is hot!
  • This game has some major sexual tension
  • This game only lasts for around 30 minutes


  • You only have to click the screen a couple of times
  • The game could have done with some animation

Download Roommate Corruption


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

If you have a spare 30 minutes and want a hot lewd visual novel, Roommate Corruption is well worth checking out. This is a short and sweet kind of game where it is pretty much over before you know it, but it is hot, steamy, and has some great visuals so I do think it is a good time. Not every lewd visual novel needs to be several hours long with tons of deep choices to make. Sometimes you want to just see hot people go at it as quickly as possible and that is what we have here.

The Next Chapter Of His Life

The story in Roommate Corruption is quite simple our main character is just about to start university so he is looking for a place to stay before he goes. Luckily for him, his childhood friend, Hana lives close to the university and she tells him that he can stay with her for a while. Hana is all grown up now and looks way hotter than he remembers her being and while she may come off as a little stuck up at first, there is clearly some kind of attraction between these two.

Just Do It Already!

While the title of the game is, Roommate Corruption, this is not a corruption story like you may be expecting. Yes, the setup is that the MC wants to show Hana who is the boss. However, right from the start, I got the impression that these were two very hot people who took an instant liking to each other and just needed that little push in the right direction to start banging! So, I would not say that the MC is doing anything seedy or completely morally wrong here as Hana kind of wants it just as bad as he does!

An Attraction So Strong!

Roommate Corruption is a lewd visual novel with very little in the gameplay department. That is right this is like 98 percent a kinetic lewd visual novel! I say 98 percent because there are a couple of screens where you are required to click on a specific part of the screen. However, this is a story that is going in one direction and you are just there for the ride. To be fair, this thing is over in like 30 minutes tops so it is not as if you lose interest in going through the story. I feel like with the story being told here the “gameplay” time is perfect as it is not long enough for you to start to realize that you are not actually doing anything.

I Want To Live With Hana

This is one very nice looking game! Roommate Corruption is presented with still images, but Hana is so hot that I can kind of get past it. The game does not screw around either, it gets to these two giving into their sexual desires pretty damn quickly which I consider to be a very good thing! I do wish that there were some animated sex scenes as I love the design of Hana and would love to see her in motion, but with this being a short and very cheaply priced lewd visual novel I can get over it.


The best way to decide if Roommate Corruption is a game for you is to have a look at Hana and if you think that she is hot, give the game a go! At the end of the day it is asking for 30 minutes of your time so even if you play it and are not 100 percent thrilled, you have not wasted much of your day! However, I am sure that you will find Hana hot so at the very least you will get a kick out of her sexy scenes!


  • Hana really is super hot
  • I liked the premise of the story
  • It gets to the XXX stuff really quickly
  • It does not require much effort or time from the player


  • Hana is so hot I wish some of the XXX scenes were animated
  • There is pretty much no gameplay here

Roommate Corruption is an erotic visual novel where you can hit on the sexiest girl in town, who, by happy coincidence, is also your childhood friend. Going to college is an important part of life, but finding a place to live is even more important. You're lucky that your childhood friend reluctantly agreed to give you a room in her apartment. After many years she has become a real beauty, will you be able to get closer to her?

Pros of the game:

  • The relationship with your childhood friend depends on your choices
  • Animated erotic scenes

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