Sailor Simulator

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a game by Ultimate Games S.A.
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Simulator Games, Best Indie Games, Best Casual Games, Open World Games, Pirates Games
Sailor Simulator
Sailor Simulator
Sailor Simulator
Sailor Simulator

Sail far away, under the sea, on a ship with a sail, to wherever you wish to be! The game starts with an intro, after which the player is transported to a 3D world. The player must interact with several items in order to get the ship started. Once started, the ship controls are relatively easy and intuitive. The player is free to roam through the vast oceans in search of treasure and adventure! Other ships present in the world can be attacked and looted. When you get enough treasure, purchase better weapons and upgrades for your ship. The graphics are simple but clean, making this a relaxing game where you can easily immerse yourself in hours of fun! Go and explore the open sea in Sailor Simulator.

Explore The Sea!

Sail far away, under the sea, on a ship with a sail, to wherever you wish to be! You can use your ship with a sail to go anywhere. You could go under the sea or onto land. Why not bring a crew member?

We have many friendly crew members available who would love nothing more than the opportunity to be at your side and assist in any way possible. The game starts with an intro, after which the player is transported to a 3D world. You can interact with the environment and control your ship, allowing you to explore the world and find treasure chests. You need to interact with several items in order to get the ship started. To start the game, you need to enter your name and select a team. The teams are Red or Blue. You can choose no team if you want to be on your own. Then click Start. Once started, the ship controls are reasonably straightforward and intuitive.

Sail the seas, find treasure, and adventure! The player is free to roam through the vast oceans in search of treasure and adventure! You can sail anywhere in the world, finding many different kinds of ships, people, and adventures.

A Pirate Life For Me

If you're feeling particularly bloodthirsty, you can attack other ships and steal their treasure. This will give you gold for ship upgrades, like better weapons or a more robust hull. You can also buy items that will help make your sailing more efficient—like a compass that shows you where all the best ports are and what kinds of loot they carry. Other ships present in the world can be attacked and looted. As you play, you'll get the chance to purchase better weapons and upgrades for your ship. You can also buy a bigger ship or a better one. If you want to upgrade your current vessel, be sure to visit the blacksmith before spending any gold on new equipment.

Sailor Simulator is a fun game with decent graphics and good gameplay. The graphics are simple but clean, making this a relaxing game where you can immerse yourself in hours of fun! The game is easy to play and understand. It’s also pretty straightforward in terms of getting started. The graphics are simple, but they're easy on the eyes and make the world feel alive. The gameplay is relaxing and simple, making it easy for people of all ages to enjoy.


We hope you enjoyed this game as much as we did! We think it’s a great way to take a break from the world around us, relax, and unwind. The graphics are simple but clean and easy on the eyes, while the gameplay is intuitive and fun. This game is perfect for anyone who wants to get lost in their little world while still being able to control what happens next.


If you’re into games like Sea of Thieves, give Sailor Simulator a try.


  • Immersive experience
  • Fun and engaging


  • Single-player only
  • Simple graphics

Download Sailor Simulator


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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