SCP: Keter

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a game by DRAUGR
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Horror Games, Survival Games, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games, PvP Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Gore Games
SCP: Keter
SCP: Keter
SCP: Keter
SCP: Keter

One of the most ambitious projects to ever come out of the SCP fandom, SCP: Keter aims to bring the world of SCP horror to a multiplayer arena. Mixing co-op features from a variety of popular multiplayer games, the game will task players with taking care of an SCP facility — with all of the deadly issues that entails.

SCP: Keter takes a page out of some of the most popular asymmetrical multiplayer titles on the market right now. However, this game introduces some randomization mechanics that are both a blessing and a curse in that they can make the game feel much more dynamic, but also introduce a lot of balance issues for the two main classes in the game.

Escape or Hunt

In the same vein as Dead by Daylight, the goal of SCP: Keter varies depending on which team you’re on. As a D-Class operative, your job will be to contain and escape from the SCP facilities — a task we’ve seen repeated in countless SCP-based fan projects to date.

However, this is one of the very few games I’ve seen that allows players to play as the SCP monsters themselves. Somehow, the game manages to feel moderately balanced, with the D Class agents and the SCPs having an equal chance to triumph. Sure, the D Classes are decidedly easier to play, but, come on, who doesn’t want to play as an SCP?

Dynamic Challenges

For some Dead by Daylight players, memorization has become a crucial skill for any map. However, that just won’t work in the bizarre world of SCP: Keter. Each round offers a randomly generated location, where important objects and objectives are never in the same place.

You’ll have to explore every inch of the facility if you hope to make it out alive. It’s worth noting, however, that this randomization can be a bit exhausting at times. While the idea of constantly exploring a massive map looking for objectives might be appealing to some, it certainly comes with its own set of issues that might make some parts of the gameplay feel a bit sluggish.

Oppressive Atmosphere

The visuals of SCP: Keter might not be all that impressive for PC elitists, but they’re serviceable enough to make the experience feel horrific enough. Though the global illumination feels a bit too bright for a horror title at times, the character models and the overall design of the SCP installation are great to look at.

It seems as if the developers took some inspiration from Valve’s Left 4 Dead series, as some of the characters and even some areas of the graphics engine seem to be based on the visual style of the legendary Source engine.


SCP: Keter offers a great multiplayer experience that horror fans are sure to love, even if the visuals can be a bit disappointing.


  • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Playing as an SCP is great
  • Gameplay feels balanced enough


  • Disappointing visuals
  • Randomization issues

Download SCP: Keter


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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