True Skate

Download True Skate and experience the most authentic skateboarding game on your device! Master tricks, complete challenges, and explore stunning skate parks. Grab your board and play now!
a game by True Axis
Platform: Android (2013)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Simulator Games, Sport Games, Skateboarding Games, Best Mobile Games
True Skate
True Skate
True Skate
True Skate

There was a time when skate parks were the school lunch table. Fingerboards were a great fad for practicing kickflips without fear of slicing your knees against the curb. Even though real skates have been popular for decades now, there's no denying that they can be quite dangerous, and not everybody is willing to perform all those crazy performances. Still, these hand skates were much safer and also more portable, which meant you could "skate" everywhere you went. And even that could be further improved, and that's where True Skate came into play. So, what is this mobile game all about? Is it any good? Well, let's talk about it!

About the game

The game is a realistic design of a skate park. You use a board on the screen that moves according to the directions of your fingers. When you slide backwards or forwards, the board reacts. A downward swipe sends the skateboard into the air, while left or right will determine your turns. The goal of the game is to get as far as possible in each level by completing tricks. This can be done with simple movements like spinning or grinding. In addition, some obstacles appear along the way, such as benches and stairs.

Skateboarding fans can finally enjoy a whole simulator of their favorite sport; instead of offering a story mode or a mission system, True Skate is presented as if it were a sandbox, saving the distances. We will be able to do what we want and how we want. We will be able to do whatever we want and however we want, all in a single skatepark -very well designed, by the way- and with a single skate.

Skating as a genre

Titles with skateboarding as the main protagonist have a long tradition in the world of video games; the Tony Hawk saga -and other titles- have managed, over the years, to make this demanding sport a popular genre among gamers of all ages. And now that True Axis, developers of the classic Jet Car Stunts, made this incredible, and realistic in its own way simulation of skating available, things have gotten very interesting for the skate gaming community.

Unlike other skateboarding games, True Skate doesn't feature any character to control; our fingers will be our legs and only our board will appear on screen from a third-person view. The title at hand may remind us a lot of Touchgrind by Illusion Labs.


True Skate is a really fun game, especially for those who enjoy playing with their Tech Decks in real life, and even for real skaters. We do have to mention that there's a learning curve involved in this game. You'll need to learn all the different movements to do with your fingers so you can perform all the craziest tricks you can imagine, but until you learn those, you'll be stuck barely even being able to jump.


  • Fun to play
  • Realistic physics
  • Nice Visuals


  • Learning curve

Download True Skate


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Snapshots and Media

Android Screenshots

See Also

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