
Download Vigor and test your survival skills in a post-apocalyptic world! Scavenge for resources, build your shelter, and engage in fierce battles against other players. Can you outlast the competition? Play now and find out!
a game by Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Platform: PC (2018)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Survival Games, Third-Person Shooter Games, Post-Apocalyptic Games, Games Like Tarkov

Vigor is a post-apocalyptic, free-to-play shoot ‘em up. The developers describe Vigor as a "fast paced shooter with roguelike elements".Players are tasked with navigating their way through different levels, destroying enemies as they go and collecting power-ups that increase their firepower or provide other useful benefits. There's also some light platforming involved; you can move up onto platforms by jumping from one platform to another, although doing so will drain your health bar if you fall down due to bad timing or just missing a jump altogether.

While there's no real story mode in Vigor yet (the title will have one when it comes out of Early Access), players can join coop sessions with up to four people at once over LAN or online multiplayer games with others who have downloaded the game themselves--which may be tricky if you're looking for an online match since there aren't many players online at any given time right now!

Fight To Survive

The player must survive by finding food, water, and shelter. They must also find weapons and ammunition to defend themselves against predators. The player must then find materials that they can use to build a shelter or vehicle so they can travel more easily across the landscape. Finally, there are materials that are necessary for building boats so that the player can move away from land entirely if needed.

When you find a stash, you can choose to fight other players who may also be looking for it. Doing so will put your own supplies at risk and potentially put you in danger of being killed or robbed by others. However, if you're successful in defending the stash and defeating all enemies, then congratulations! You'll get to keep all of their loot as well as any items or supplies they brought along with them (think of this like a "loot drop" when playing multiplayer games). If avoiding conflict is more your style, then don't worry: there's still plenty of supplies out there for anyone willing to look.

You'll be crafting a lot of items in the game. The crafting menu is easy to use, so you can focus on survival rather than combat. Crafting allows you to create weapons and armor that will help keep you alive as well as other helpful items like healing salves and bandages for injuries sustained in battle. There are many different types of items that can be crafted, including:

  • Weapons (swords, axes)
  • Armor (helms, boots)
  • Healing Salves/Bandages


The game might not be perfect, but it's definitely worth checking out if you're looking for something new to play. The mechanics are thoughtfully put together and the art style is unique. The PvP can be fun when it works, but it's still in beta so there will no doubt be some bumps along the way.


And the best part, is that the game’s free! So, if you’re a fan of the genre and you like games like PUBG, Vigor is worth checking out.


  • Free-to-play
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Fights are engaging


  • Unfair matchmaking
  • Weapons feel unresponsive

Download Vigor


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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