Sex Hotel Simulator

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a game by Octo Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Dating Simulators, LGBTQ+ Games
Sex Hotel Simulator
Sex Hotel Simulator
Sex Hotel Simulator
Sex Hotel Simulator

You know, I think that Sex Hotel Simulator should have an early access tag as this game needs a great deal of work as it has more bugs than a seedy motel! It kind of sucks too as I think that deep down there is something awesome here and if the game was just made a bit better and had some of these bugs fixed, it could be a solid 8/10 style lewd management game. It has a lot going for it and I think if the developer works on and irons things out, this could be one of the better XXX management games.

Making Money With Pleasure!

They claim that there is some kind of story here in Sex Hotel Simulator, but I will be damned if I know what the heck it is. Anyway, we do not come here for a game like this to experience a story. Basically, what we have going down here is that we have just taken over a brothel and we want to make this the best brothel in the freaking world! We want the best girls who know what they are doing here and we want the best and highest rollers when it comes to clients! It is about us building up to that point and I think that is pretty neat.

Starting With The Best

I want to start by talking about what is arguably the best thing that Sex Hotel Simulator has going for it in its current state and that is the visuals. The game has a kind of 2D Sims look to it when you are actually playing the game. However, there are a bunch of high quality animated sex scenes that are just done so incredibly well I was truly blown away. There is a real sleekness and shininess to the XXX scenes in this game that I found very appealing. I ended up getting a bunch of epic sex scenes, but from what I understand, there are even more than those that I have seen. These are a great reward for the hard work you are doing in keeping your brothel running!

Making Bank And Making Love!

At its core what we have here with Sex Hotel Simulator is a sex management game. You start off with a relatively modest budget and you have to hire sex workers and people to work in your brothel. As you bring in more clients, you make more money which you can pump into your business to improve it! It makes for a very addictive kind of gameplay loop that in theory is never ending. You can expand your brothel, higher better and higher fee charging escorts, and hire people to run your brothel for you so it has more of an automated thing going on. There is so much to like about this game, but we have to address the elephant in the room!

I Need Some Bug Spray

Remember at the start how I said that Sex Hotel Simulator had a lot of bugs? Well, this game is bug central. To start with the save system is automatic, but it forces you to miss parts of the story or just puts you right back at the start of the game. I have had countless black screens that have forced me to restart the game too! These issues alone make the game such a chore to play. You play it for ten interrupted minutes and you are like “hell yeah” and you think that it is all good now, only for a new bug to happen, the game crashes and you probably have to start over again.


It is such a shame that Sex Hotel Simulator is in the state that it is as I think there are a lot of good things about this game. The management aspect of the game is very addictive, but I have had it happen to me countless times where I was doing well and then I was pretty much forced to restart the game. I think if the developer can really knuckle down and get this working, we will have an awesome sex management game going on here. I do not want to give it a score as I think it would be a bit harsh as I will give the developer the benefit of the doubt and assume all of the issues I have are being worked on.


  • The idea of running your own brothel is always fun
  • I liked the management aspect of the game
  • The animated sex scenes are fantastic!
  • If the developer fixes the bugs this could be epic


  • The save system ruins the experience as your progress often gets wiped
  • The amount of times I had to restart the game was crazy!

Download Sex Hotel Simulator


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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