Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

Download Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and join Sonic and friends in an all-new, action-packed adventure! Unravel the secrets of the ancient world, battle powerful enemies, and save the day in this thrilling installment. Speed into action and play now!
a game by IllFonic LLC
Platform: Wii U (2014)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 7.3/10 - 14 votes
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See also: 2D Platformer Games, Side Scrolling Games, High Score Games, Sonic Download, Games Like Castlevania
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric was one of a couple of exclusive Sonic games that Sega did for Nintendo during the Wii and Wii U era. This one here Sega actually had a lot of faith in as it was a new direction for the character that also included a handheld game, a ton of toys, and a TV series that in all honesty is the best thing to come from this incarnation of the series. This is a game that often features on “worst game” lists, but to be honest it is not quite as bad as people say…. It sure as hell is not great, but it does have its moments.

Not My Sonic!!!

Much has been said about the character designs of the characters in Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, well specifically Knuckles who has gone all Hulk on us. To be honest, I do think that the character models look all that bad. Yes, Knuckles looks quite different as he is so much larger, but to be fair, I liked that they tried to change things up a tad and give the characters a bit more of a different look.

Never Trust A Snake

The plot of the game is not terrible either. The story of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric sees Sonic and his pals accidentally freeing this giant evil snake called Lyric who wants to take over the world with a robot army. Lyric, of course, teams up with Dr. Eggman and Sonic, and the game need to stop them. It is not horrible, but I think had they put more of the humor from the show here, it would have been a lot better. The Sonic Book animated series is actually a lot of fun and I think the game is lacking the clever wit that the show has.

The Not So Awesome Foursome

In Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, you get to control Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy and you will have to use all four characters abilities to get through the various levels. Sonic can run fast, Amy can smash things with her hammer, Knuckles can dig and climb and Tails can fly. Each of the characters has a couple of abilities that you will have to use during the game. I like this idea and I think that there is a decent amount of variety. You have to take part in platforming stages, there are puzzles, lots of combat, and even boss battles too.

A Bit More Time In The Oven

I really do think that deep inside Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric there is a decent 3D action game here. The problem is the game is glitchy as hell. I remember the first time I played through it, I got a couple of hours in and thought “why are so many people bashing this game?”. Then the glitches started, specifically in this section where you had to float on water, to say it put me over the edge is a massive understatement. You can actually beat the game in a speed run fashion by exploiting some of the glitches it has. I have fallen through the floor, had cut scenes crash, came across enemies that will not die, and more. It just feels like a game that was not finished, but Sega decided to throw it out anyway.


I am a huge Sonic fan and have been for 30 years at this point and I have to be honest and say that Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric would be close to the bottom of my best Sonic games list. I do not think it is the worst game in the world like some people would have you believe. However, Sega had to have known that this was a game that had a ton of issues before they released it!


  • I liked the character designs
  • They at least tried with the story
  • You can play as four characters
  • You can play this with a buddy


  • There are tons of glitches and bugs in this game
  • I feel that the story is lacking the humor of the TV show

Download Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

Wii U

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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