Cookie Cutter

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a game by Subcult Joint LTD
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: 2D Platformer Games, Side Scrolling Games, Beat 'em-Up, Gore Games, Metroidvania Games
Cookie Cutter
Cookie Cutter
Cookie Cutter
Cookie Cutter

Cookie Cutter is a brutal and stylish 2D Metroidvania platformer that isn't afraid to embrace its shock value. You play as Cherry, an android seeking revenge for her creator's kidnapping, slicing and dicing her way through hordes of grotesque enemies. With its hand-drawn visuals and over-the-top violence, Cookie Cutter both pays homage to and subverts the Metroidvania genre.

The game throws you right into the action as Cherry, waking up battered and alone in a secret lab, hellbent on rescuing her creator Doctor Shinji Fallon from the clutches of a demented villain. What follows is a rage-fueled quest for retribution, with Cherry exploring a massive, decaying sci-fi world while unleashing her deadly abilities on anything that crosses her path.

Brutally Creative Combat

Cherry has an impressive arsenal of melee weapons and firearms at her disposal, along with slick combat abilities that result in jaw-droppingly gory finishers. Whether you're slicing enemies in half with Cherry's chainsaw or stomping them into oblivion, the combat is immensely satisfying.

Unlocking new abilities like Cherry's motorcycle allows you to crush foes in delightfully irreverent ways. Comparatively, games like Hollow Knight and Blasphemous have more tactical combat, though Cookie Cutter's over-the-top violence gives its fights a visceral edge.

Bizarre and Beautiful World

Each area in Cookie Cutter has been meticulously hand-drawn, bursting with sinister atmosphere and weird enemies at every turn. Despite the 2D perspective, environments have a sense of scale, and the background art is always evocative.

Zones range from decaying cityscapes to locations with more abstract science fiction elements. Overall, the ominous sense of exploring lost and abandoned places scratches a similar itch to games like Castlevania.

Killer Style

It's clear the developers drew inspiration from media like Japanese manga and Tarantino films based on Cherry's design and the game's attitude. Cookie Cutter isn't afraid to push boundaries with profanity, vulgarity, and buckets of blood. However, underneath the bravado lies an emotional core focused on Cherry's love for her creator. These glimmers of sincerity give the excessive violence more meaning than simple shock value.

Still, one area that might find some gamers conflicted is the game's character designs. While the bosses and enemies look phenomenal, some of the humanoid characters feature some "divisive" designs, to say the least. This all goes hand in hand with the game's subversive presentation, but it's worth noting that the art style is something that might put off some players from trying this surprisingly engaging Metroidvania.

Besides the style issues, be prepared for crushing difficulty and enough blood to fill an ocean. While the story isn't particularly deep, Cherry's emotional quest for revenge will keep you motivated. With tight controls and combat that's always exciting, Cookie Cutter delivers an adrenaline-filled adventure.


Fans of Metroidvanias and stylish, challenging action will find a lot to love in Cookie Cutter's intense fights, sinister atmosphere, and standout visual presentation.


  • Satisfyingly gory combat
  • Stylish hand-drawn art
  • Creative abilities and mobility


  • Some areas feel decidedly unfair
  • Story is thin at times
  • Juvenile sense of humor with divisive character designs

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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