Call of Beyond

a game by Call Of Beyond
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Erotic RPG, 3D Hentai Games, Unreal Engine Porn Games
Call of Beyond
Call of Beyond
Call of Beyond
Call of Beyond

It is kind of hard to talk about Call of Beyond as I write this as the game is not yet properly out. I do not even really want to say that it is in early access as it is more like super early access, almost an alpha build that we have here. However, the game is out there to be played and I have pretty much done all you can do with it right now and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. By the time you read this or get around to playing the game, it could be much more fleshed out so please keep that in mind.

The Ghost Frontier!

There is not a ton of story content or lore in Call of Beyond as of me writing this, but when I read the premise of what they were going for here, I thought that it sounded very cool. We play as an acolyte for a being called The All Mother. This is an order that is females only and we are being sent to investigate this new place called The Ghost Frontier to find out what is happening there and to discover the dangerous creatures that call it home.


One of the reasons that I am so excited about Call of Beyond is that we do not get many 3rd person action lewd games, especially those that are made with the Unreal Engine. It makes for a very exciting prospect and this has the potential to feel like an actinal 3rd person action game if they can pull off what they intend to do. I think that what we have at the moment is more of a proof of concept than anything else. Most lewd games tend to be RPGs or visual novels so seeing someone take a chance on a game like this is very cool.

Getting Better With Time

As I write this, we are on the second version of Call of Beyond and already the game has seen some substantial updates with the presentation. The first release looked great in still pictures, but the physics were all strange, there were no “jiggle” physics and the sex looked gross as it was just people mashing together. That has been addressed now and the game looks better already. I am quite excited to see what else they have in store as the lewd content I have seen so far looks very promising. There is a couple of creatures that you can bang, but I hope the final game is just not going to be all gross monsters banging the hot chick.

A Taste Of Things To Come

So far in the current build of Call of Beyond there is not exactly a ton of stuff for us to get up to. There is a quest log, but it is all just fetch quests right now and the quest log is a freaking mess and hard to keep track of. I will say that the movement feels great so far, so when they add in a proper combat system into the game, I have high hopes that it will work out great. There is other stuff that we can see will be put into the game too such as character customization and what looks like a rather vast inventory system as well.


Look, it is very hard to review a game when it is so early in its development so the score I am giving this is based on potential. You can fire up Call of Beyond and pretty much see all that it has to offer in like 30 or so minutes. However, I would wager that anyone who is into lewd games will be impressed with this and want to come back when each update happens. So far, we have had one revision (as of me writing this), and that did add some pretty important stuff to the game so I am interested to see what the next update brings.


  • The game looks great even in this early stage
  • I like the idea of this all female order
  • The main character is quite interesting
  • If they pull this off, it could be one of the best 3rd person lewd action games ever!


  • The first two builds of the game are very sparse in content
  • I hope that it is not just ugly characters banging our MC!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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