Class of '09: The Re-Up

a game by SBN3
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.3/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Visual Novel, Dating Simulator Games, Hand-Drawn Games, Dark Humor Games, Noir Games
Class of '09: The Re-Up
Class of '09: The Re-Up
Class of '09: The Re-Up

You know, Class of '09: The Re-Up might be one of the greatest visual novel games that I have ever played! I truly cannot say enough positive things about this game and even though this is the intro, spoiler alert, this is a 10/10 game! I never played the original version of this, but from what I have read, this is the way to go as it adds so much more polish and content over the original. If you have always wanted to play as a toxic high school bitch, this is the game for you.

You Have To Watch The Trailer

Before I get to the actual game, I have to say that you 100 percent need to get over to Steam and watch the trailer for Class of '09: The Re-Up and make sure you have the sound up! It is freaking hilarious and one of the greatest video game trailers that I have ever seen. However, with that being said, I truly do feel like the trailer for this game is a perfect indicator of if the humor and the dark savage tone that the game has is going to be for you.

Nicole Is A Real Piece Of Work

Class of '09: The Re-Up has us playing the role of a high school girl called Nicole and Nicole is a grade A mean girl type of character. Saying she is a mean girl may not be fully accurate, she just does what she does, when she wants to do regardless of the consequences that her actions may cause. Snorting some drugs before class, telling a nerd to kill, and just generally treating anyone that she comes across with the utmost contempt is what this feisty chick is all about. She is not a nice character at all, but she is probably the most memorable character that I have played as this year!


One thing that Class of '09: The Re-Up does so well is capture the “whatever” attitude of a high school teen perfectly. Nicole just does and says whatever she wants and the choices that we get to make as we progress through the game showcase that. There is a dark and offensive kind of humor here, but there is a lot of depth to this game and without spoiling anything, some of the characters have some messed up stuff going on and the game does not shy away from that. There are multiple endings that you can experience so there is a vast amount of replay value here to keep pulling you back in.

Stop Trying To Make Fetch Happen!

A huge part of what makes Class of '09: The Re-Up such a great visual novel is the presentation. This game has some of the best voice acting I have heard in a visual novel, I am having a hard time right now thinking of any that do it better. All of the characters sound real and while a lot of the stuff is exaggerated to the max, the voice actors deliver it perfectly. The visual style of the game is great too and I like how they have tried to make it a time capsule of what 2009 was like with the stuff people wear, things in the background, and the technology that was around at the time too.


Class of '09: The Re-Up is one of those games where I kind of want to just shut up about it and demand that you go and play it right now. I honestly cannot think of anything that could be done to make this game better, making a physical copy of it I guess is the only thing that would make the game better for me. It is fun, it is dark and it is going to make you laugh and also make you a little sad in some places too. This is one of the greatest visual novels that I have played and I have played a ton of them!


  • Nicole is such an interesting character
  • All of the characters are weird and messed up in their own way
  • It has some of the best voice acting I have ever heard
  • The humor is very, very dark and I got a kick out of that


  • Some of the stuff here may be a tad offensive for some people
  • I so wish that there was a physical copy of this game!

Download Class of '09: The Re-Up


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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