Braid: Anniversary Edition

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a game by Thekla, Inc.
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Puzzle Games, 2D Platformer Games, Side Scrolling Games, Quest Games
Braid: Anniversary Edition
Braid: Anniversary Edition
Braid: Anniversary Edition
Braid: Anniversary Edition

Braid: Anniversary Edition marks the return of one of the most influential indie titles ever made. Featuring the same charm and intricate story as the 2008 original game, this version of the game aims to bring all the time-warping action of the original game to a new generation of consoles.

As much as the original game was truly a labor of love by developer Jonathan Blow, this Anniversary Edition also goes the extra mile to bring this aging game up to par with other contemporary indie platformers. It would be all too easy to dismiss Braid: Anniversary Edition simply as another typical remaster, but the truth goes way beyond that.

Re-Painted and Remastered

The original Braid was a unique experience for its time. What begins as a seemingly innocuous Super Mario Bros. clone slowly turns into a complex allegory for the atom bomb and the dangers of atomic warfare.

Unlike some other retro-inspired platformers that demand pixel-perfect accuracy from the player, Braid uses time as one of its core gameplay elements. Be it turning it back or bending it to the player’s advantage, time manipulation is way more important to Braid’s gameplay than merely jumping over enemies or avoiding pitfalls.

Another thing that made Braid stand out from the rest of the indie titles of its time was its beautiful hand-drawn visuals. Even though the art style remains as strikingly beautiful as ever, there’s no denying that it might not be all too nice to see it in modern 4K displays.

The Anniversary Edition rectifies this issue by repainting each and every asset in the game in a higher resolution. Not content with simply upgrading the game’s look, Braid’s developers also reimagined some areas to make them feel more grandiose than they did in the original release.

If you’re worried that the visual changes made by the Anniversary Edition might somehow spoil the look and feel of the original game, don’t worry: these changes can be reverted back to how they looked in 2008.

Better Controls and Improved Animations

Even though the original version of Braid has been near-universally acclaimed for its intricate puzzles and original level design, its controls and basic animations haven’t precisely aged too well.

Most of the original game’s animation consisted of pretty basic movements that never let the hand-drawn visuals truly shine. That’s an issue that’s been corrected with the Anniversary Edition. Each character now has more frames of animation, making the overall experience feel more vivid than ever before.

Along with the upgraded animations come some much-needed improvements to the responsiveness of the controls. Platforming and puzzle-solving should now be easier than before thanks to the tighter controls, making the exploration of Braid’s fantastical lands much more enjoyable than it was in the 2008 original release.

As a bonus, Braid: Anniversary Edition features an extended soundtrack made in collaboration with Martin Stig Andersen, who also worked on the indie favorite Limbo. This new soundtrack helps to elevate Braid’s otherworldly feel to new heights, culminating in the ultimate way to enjoy this charming indie classic.


A perfect example of a remaster done right, Braid: Anniversary Edition elevates the quality of its source material to impressive new heights, setting a new gold standard for indie platformers everywhere.


  • Amazing hand-drawn visuals look better than ever
  • Same incredible puzzle elements that made the original game so good
  • Improved animations and better controls


  • The new hand-drawn art deviates a little from the original’s design

Download Braid: Anniversary Edition


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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