Class of '09

a game by SBN3
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Download Anime Games, Hentai Games, Visual Novel, Nudity Category
Class of '09
Class of '09
Class of '09

I love how one of the selling points of Class of '09 is that this is not a dating sim, it is a rejection sim. I saw the trailer for this and knew right away that I had to check it out. This is truly one of the best visual novel style games that you will ever play. It is not a XXX lewd visual novel, but it is still one of the best that I have had the pleasure to play. It is just so wild and over the top that you never know what the hell is going to happen next. It has many different endings and the game was so good, I actually made the effort to check them all out.

Take It Back Now Y'all!

One thing that is pretty interesting about Class of '09 is that this game is set during the late '00s. That is kind of odd as if you are going to set a game in the “past” why would you set it in the near past? That was my thoughts before I played the game, but it is kind of cool in the way that we have the birth of a social media type world, smartphones that have some features but are much crappier compared to what we have these days. It is fun stuff and I think it does give this game a bit more of a personality than if they had just set it today.

Mean With A Capital M

The story of Class of ’09 is fantastic. We play as a high school mean girl called Nicole and Nicole is freaking nuts! In typical mean girl fashion, she just does what she wants to do, no matter the chaos it may cause in other people's lives! The way she talks to people, the stuff she does and the stuff that she gets others to do always has you hanging on as you never know what the hell she is going to say or do next. The game has many different ways that the story can go and they are all very entertaining. The stuff here is so fun, you will probably jump straight back in so you can see what may have happened if you picked something else.

Getting To The Point

Class of ’09 may say that it is not a visual novel, but that is just a gimmick, the gameplay is very much that of a visual novel. One thing that this game does that I love is that the story just keeps on flowing, but when a choice is there to be made be it by saying something to someone, performing an action, or doing something on your phone, it will pause and let you make your impact on the story and then it will continue. It is a very clean and easy to use system and it is honestly something that I am surprised more visual novels do not do or at least have an option for.

So That Is What Being Talked Down To Sounds Like!

A huge part of the reason that Class of ’09 is so popular is the presentation. This game looks great, they have captured that 2009 time period really well with the way things look such as the stuff people are wearing and the technology. However, it is the voice acting that makes this game such a great experience. The voice acting in this game is some of the best you will hear in a visual novel. Nicole just cuts people down with the venom that she spits and it can be freaking hilarious. I think that all of the voice cast in this game do a wonderful job and it is a massive reason that this is as fun as it is.


I loved my time with Class of ’09 and while there is also Class of ’09: The Re-Up, I do not actually think I could pick between which one of these awesome experiences I like the best. This is the kind of game that is just begging to be released physically on PlayStation or Switch, hell I would probably buy both! This was such a great experience and even though I managed to see all 15 of the endings, I could easily see myself playing this again at some point.


  • Nicole is such a mean girl and so brutal!
  • There is some pretty dark and messed up stuff here in the story
  • The voice acting is amazing
  • You will want to experience all 15 endings


  • This game is very offensive and it is very proud of that!
  • Limited Run or someone needs to put this and Class of ‘09: The Re-Up out physically!

Download Class of '09


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Class of '09 is a visual novel that completely changes the very established concept of dating simulators. Date guys and girls, but not for the sake of a future relationship, but for the sake of engaging them in a big game of feelings. Because of her traumatic childhood, Nicole becomes cruel and toxic, a typical high school bitch from everyone's favorite teen series. A new chapter in her life will be written exactly by your hands and only you will decide how to most advantageously use the goons around you.

Pros of the game:

  • The atmosphere of the early 2000s
  • The protagonist is far from being a goody-goody
  • Your choices have a big impact on the plot

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