District-7: Cyberpunk Stories

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a game by KRVC
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Games with Character Creation, Adult Sci-Fi RPG, Lewd Cyberpunk Games
District-7: Cyberpunk Stories
District-7: Cyberpunk Stories
District-7: Cyberpunk Stories
District-7: Cyberpunk Stories

As someone who loves a cyberpunk setting and lewd games, District-7: Cyberpunk stories was always going to catch my attention. I actually came across this by complete accident and from what I can tell, it does seem like the game is abandoned as there has not been an update for what feels like quite a while. Still, I was able to download it and get it running on my PC. I was kind of excited about this, I had never heard of the game and just downloaded it purely based on the synopsis for the story that it had as it sounded awesome.

The World Has Gone To Hell

Has there ever been a cyberpunk story where the cyberpunk future is good? District-7: Cyberpunk stories is set in a world that is pretty much in ruin. There was war, and violence and there was a bad disease that caused a pandemic that saw countless people infected with the disease put into suspended animation in the hopes that things would get better and that they could be cured. Well, that was not the case, as a matter of fact, things just got worse and worse.

Wall Them All In!

The premise of District-7: Cyberpunk stories is something that I think is really cool. As the government could not save these people, they pumped them full of an experimental drug and then just walled them all off into their own cyberpunk style city where people needed to fight to survive and just claw to try and have food and a place to stay. The game does not go into too much depth after we create our character, but the developer I feel had a really strong set of bones here and it is a shame they never got to expand upon it.

A Busy 30 Minutes

As I said in the introduction, District-7: Cyberpunk stories is a game that never got finished, and to be honest with you, we have a demo here at best. I was able to customize my character and then I was let loose in the city. I could chat with NPC, and I was able to get a weapon and shoot what I think was a bad guy, but there was not anything to do, no real purpose. I just felt like I was running around, trying to see what there was for me to interact with. The game was a big buggy, it crashed on me a few times and it did not exactly run at the smoothest frame rate. Yet, despite me knowing this was not a great game/demo, I could see the potential here.

I Did Not Do It All For The Nookie!

Man, who didn’t love Limp Bizkit back in the late '90s or early 00s? Anyway, District-7: Cyberpunk stories has a very “cyberpunk” style as you would expect from the title. The thing is, the game looks like it borrows assets from many other cyberpunk style games and while this is classed as a lewd game, I never saw any XXX content really when I was playing, apart from when I was tinkering with my character. What is here is decent enough, but if you have seen a cyberpunk lewd game before, I would bet that that this game is going to seem very familiar to you.


There is no way that I can give District-7: Cyberpunk stories a score as the developer was never able to finish off their vision. There is another similarly named game, but that is more of a PVP 3rd person shooter. To be honest, while there is only about 30 to 45 minutes of gameplay here, I feel like I was able to see the potential and I do consider it a real shame that the developer never stuck with this as I would liked to have seen where the story of this strange disease went.


  • You can play around with your avatar
  • The setting of the game is kind of cool
  • I thought that they had an interesting idea for the story
  • The shooting felt fun, even at this early stage


  • The game only has about 30 minutes of content
  • I never found any lewd stuff in the game!

Download District-7: Cyberpunk Stories


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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