Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069

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a game by Pirates Of The Digital Sea
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Lewd Cyberpunk Games
Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069
Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069
Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069
Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069

Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069 is a game that I had to play as I love puzzle games, I love anime chicks and I love anything that has 69 in the title. This is one of those games that I think is good, but what sucks is that I really do think that this had the potential to be actually great! It has some great ideas, looks incredible, and clearly has a developer that put a lot of their love and time into the game, but there are just a couple of issues you have to look past to truly appreciate this.

I Don’t Know What It Is, But I Like It

So, what is the story in Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069? Hey, I really wish that I could tell you, but after playing the game from start to end, I still have no freaking idea what is going on here. There are these sexy gamer girls, you are challenging them to “combat” and if you win, you get to have amazing sex with them. The story here is nearly impossible to follow as the translation is super rough, like so rough it pretty much makes zero sense and is impossible to follow. Still, I dug the cyberpunk setting here and kind of made up my own narrative as it was going along.

If You Build The Blocks, They Will Come

The first part of the gameplay in Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069 that we have to talk about is the Tetris stuff. At its core, this game is a Tetris clone. I would say that it is safe to assume that at this point everyone in the world who has the slightest interest in video games, knows about Tetris. Well, you play Tetris here. You have to make lines, get a high score, and stop the blocks from reaching the top. The idea here is that you are playing against one of these gamer girls. To be fair, this plays a solid game of Tetris and the difficulty does increase as you play which I like.

The Other Part Of The Game

While I feel that the Tetris side of Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069 is very well done, the visual novel aspect of the game is not very good. The reason for this is that horrible translation, it just feels like filler that is stopping you from getting to the next Tetris part of the game! The game is also rather short, it took me two hours to beat it. However, the game also has a strange and frustrating saving system as you never know for sure when the heck it is saving. Chances are you will beat this in one sitting, but it can be frustrating for those that do not have the ability to do this and want to know where their last save point was.

Swinging And Swaying

The art in Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069 is awesome! This game has a great selection of babes and they all look great in their own way. I love how all of the sex scenes in the game are animated, even if they do go a bit far with the way things sway and move, I still got a real kick out of it. This is a game that is very easy on the eyes and playing a decent game of Tetris with a hot chick on the screen is always something that I will be up for.


I feel that if the story was more coherent and that the saving issue was addressed, you could easily what a whole extra point onto Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069. I know at this point we have all played Tetris a million times before, but I have actually played some really bad takes on Tetris over the years and this is not one of them! It is challenging and requires more and more skill as you progress through the game and that is something I appreciate.


  • I got a kick out of the cyberpunk setting
  • There are some amazing looking anime gamer girls in this game
  • I loved the Tetris gameplay
  • This game is way more challenging than you would think


  • The story is very badly translated so it makes no sense at all
  • I wish it was clearer on when it is saving your game!

Download Gamer Girls: Cyberpunk 2069


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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