Become A Rock Star

a game by MrJet
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 9.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Visual Novel
Become A Rock Star
Become A Rock Star
Become A Rock Star
Become A Rock Star

I have to admit that it was the title of Become A Rock Star that drew me to it. I like to think in another life I ended up sticking with my guitar lessons and became a rock star with millions of albums sold, tons of fans, and lots of groupies to hook up with after my sold-out shows! Well, as that is never going to happen in a million years, at least I have games like this that let you try and make it as a rock star and get laid a whole bunch in the process. This is a lewd visual novel and one that I had a fantastic time with.

I’m A Cowboy, On A Steel Horse, I Ride!

The story of Become A Rock Star was one that greatly appealed to me. Our main character has just moved to a new town and he wants to start a band and become a rock star. That is the main plot that runs through the story, but as this is a lewd visual novel game, there are many chicks that you will get to interact with too!

Living The Life!

Instead of being a game that is all about a fantasy where our main character gets to have sex with all the girls without consequences. Become A Rock Star instead has you be more realistic about things. Trying to get with just one girl at a time as if you “spread yourself too thin” it can have bad consequences in regards to your relationship with other girls. This was an aspect of the story that I really did like.

More Than Words

As Become A Rock Star is a visual novel, you will be spending most of your time reading the story and trying to move things along the particular path that you are interested in. To be honest with you, it is pretty easy to move along the path that you want and that is something I liked. As the game wants you to try and focus on one relationship at a time, it does mean that there is a fair amount of replay value here. I know that I was certainly invested enough to want to play through it again.

Rock You Like A Hurricane!

Become A Rock Star has some amazing character renders! We will all have our own personal favorites, but mine had to be the spunky rock chick Lisa who I thought was pretty damn awesome and had one of the best blowjob scenes I had seen in a lewd game in a very long time! There are a decent amount of sex scenes in the game too and the animation is great and gets you more into the action if you know what I am saying.


As you can tell from what you have read already, I had an absolute blast with Become A Rock Star. I just really connected with the idea of this guy moving to a new city, trying to make it as a rock star, and finding “the one” at the same time. It was a game that once I finished my first playthrough of, I jumped straight back in so I could see how one of the other routes would play out. This is a must play if you like visual novels!


  • I thought that the story of the game was great
  • I actually wanted to play through all of the different routes
  • The character renders are great
  • The idea of playing as a wannabe rock star was very appealing to me


  • While I liked the MC, his character design is probably the weakest in the game
  • If you do not like the idea of being a rock star, the story may not grab you as much as it did me

Download Become A Rock Star


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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