Dead Or Alive 6

a game by Team Ninja
Platforms: XBox One, PC (2019), Playstation 4
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Fighting Games, Nudity Category, Martial Arts Games, Dead or Alive Series
Dead Or Alive 6
Dead Or Alive 6
Dead Or Alive 6
Dead Or Alive 6

Fighting games are enjoying a renaissance of sorts at the moment. Thanks to some of the more recognisable games within the genre stepping back into the ring, plus a few notable newbies surprising a few, the fighting genre is alive and healthier than ever. This is something that has inspired a number of developers to bring games out of retirement, dust off the cobwebs and produce new fighting masterclasses for the modern gamer. One such series was Dead or Alive which decided to re-enter the fray after seven years away. We find out in our review of Dead or Alive 6.

This game plays like a several fighting games of the last few decades. The games that closest resemble Dead or Alive’s brand of carnage include Tekken, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur and Virtua Fighter. This title was made to reintroduce the gaming populous to a roster of fighters well worth their celebrating. However, does this title celebrate the series or unceremoniously drag it through the mud.

Alive but Not Kicking

First, let’s address the great aspects of the series’ return. The graphics are really the star of the show here. Thanks to the new hardware the game had to work with, the roster of fighters looks better than ever. The textures are beautifully detailed, the stages are abundant with small touches and ambient light. Plus, the animations are as smooth as they have ever been. Allowing players to lose themselves in the action which is truly the finest visual showcase the series has ever offered fans. However, seven years absence will all but guarantee that.

Then with regards to gameplay, it’s all very familiar, with the best aspects of the series to date making a return, with some new features to fill in the gaps. The break gauge feature is a particularly great new addition that allows for more tactical bouts and addresses the issue from previous iterations where fights could be rather one note. We appreciate that the developers have taken the time to alter the gameplay for the better. However, not all the new additions work well in practice.

The disappointing aspects of this game are primarily the new characters and the story mode. The former are a bunch of generic, underdeveloped individuals who simply aren’t fun to fight with or against. Whereas the latter is a narrative that seems thrown together because the game had to deliver some sort of campaign mode. However, it feels like an afterthought, lacks the level of cohesion needed to engage fans and in truth, the developers would have possibly benefited from not offering one at all.

The Verdict

Overall, there is more than enough great fighting action packed into this game to make it a worthwhile venture for Dead or Alive fans. The gameplay is as solid as ever and the game looks absolutely incredible. So, fans looking for that next-gen step up in quality from the 2012 title will find that here. However, the game offers lacklustre story, underwhelming characters and simply fails to provide new content worth absorbing.


So, in short, if you are coming here for better visuals and a hearty dose of nostalgia, you will get your fill. Just try to ignore the new stuff Team Ninja try to wedge in.


  • Visually this game is a triumph
  • The gameplay and new fight mechanics are great in practice


  • The game’s story mode is a mess
  • The new characters are severely generic and underwhelming

Download Dead Or Alive 6

XBox One

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 4

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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