Afterburner 2 Cheats
Genesis Cheats
Level Select
Now you can warp as high as level 20 in no time at all! When the start prompt appears on the title screen, press and hold button 'C', followed by 'A', followed by 'B' and press 'Start'. A level select screen will appear to transport you almost anywhere in the game!
Bonus Missiles
There is now a secret method to increase the number of missiles that the cargo plane carries to your jet fighter to 100! Enter these commands during reloading and hold down!
- (3) Hold Left and 'B'
- (5) Hold Right and'B'
- (9) Hold Only 'B'
- (11) Hold Right and'B'
- (13) Hold Left and 'B'
- (16) Hold Right and'B'
- (19) Hold Only 'B'
- (21) Hold Right and 'B'