Mortal Kombat 5 Forum
Artary Stewart posted a comment: 16 years, 7 months ago
If this is the same as the one that I played on the playstation (I know this one was first but I played the one on playstation first) then this is a pretty cool game.....cool.....subzero......lol...ok sorry I had a corny moment to myself lol
Marco posted a comment: 16 years, 3 months ago
I cannot say this game is good,who on God's Green and Blue planet thought of making MK5,I never heard of it,you can only play as Sub-Zero,which sucks,he is cool,but not that cool,the storyline sucks,the controls suck,take my advice,download the other mortal kombat games;like 1&2&3,leave this one out,unless you really like Sub-Zero.But what the hell,even the best game makers can make the worst game.....I rest my case..