Archer: The Witch's Wrath

a game by | Image Power S.A. |
Platform: | PC (2021) |
Editor Rating: | 8/10, based on 1 review |
User Rating: | 10.0/10 - 1 vote |
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See also: | Nudity Category, Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Best Indie Games, Gore Games, Tactical RPGs, Archery Games |
Today I want to talk to you guys about Archer: The Witch's Wrath which is a very cool action RPG where you play as an archer. As I write this the game is not yet finished, but there is a free demo that you can checkout which gives you the basics of what you can expect from this game. I usually end up playing as an archer in an RPG so having a whole game built around one is pretty interesting and so far, it is looking like it could be a bit of a sleeper hit when it is eventually released.
Fight The Forces Of Evil
The game is promising to be very story driven when it is complete, but so far, we do not know a great deal about the story that Archer: The Witch's Wrath. What we do know is that you are an archer and you want to be the best in the land. However, there is an evil threat where these creatures are causing all kinds of chaos and it is up to you to stop them. As someone who enjoys fantasy, I think this has a lot of promise!
Being A Bowman!
The gameplay is interesting in that you can play from the first and the third person point of view. The idea is that you need to clear out all of the enemies that are in your way, but you need to be smart about it. You have various kinds of arrows that you can use and you need to scout ahead to get an idea of how you should proceed with your attack. Taking out the most dangerous threat first is the best way to go.
However, you just know that even if you plan your attack very well, something can go wrong and force you to have to try to survive on the fly. One way that Archer: The Witch's Wrath helps you with this is by letting you also use a sword. This way if a big fat ugly orc gets a little bit too close for comfort, you can chop him down to size!
Always Getting Better
Being the greatest archer in the land is easier said than done. You will have t partake in various straining missions, work on your skills, and above all else get better at the game. The shooting in Archer: The Witch's Wrath is designed with realistic physics in mind so I am sure it will take a bit to get used to for most people.
What I have found with my time spent with the demo is that once you do get the hang of it, the game becomes very rewarding as it is far more skill based.
From what I have played of the demo, Archer: The Witch's Wrath is shaping up to be pretty cool. I love the idea of playing specifically as an archer and the different arrows and so on give me a kind of Green Arrow vibe to the whole thing. While the story may not be quite there yet, the fantasy setting and the premise are more than enough to get me excited for what potentially could come from all of this.
- Playing exclusively as an archer is very cool
- I like the way the game is in the first and third person
- You get to use different kinds of arrows
- You can even use your sword when things get a little too close for comfort
- I am sure a good story is coming, but so far it is a bit lacking
- The shooting controls do take a while to get the hang of
Download Archer: The Witch's Wrath

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP