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a game by SoloM
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games

Sadiubus is a lewd 2D action game whose story I may have had a hard time following, but whose gameplay more than made up for it. As I write this, the game is still being worked on, but there is a decent amount of content here and the most recent version of the game I played worked great. It is the perfect game to check out if you love action in your XXX games, especially that of the fem dom variety which is always something I get a kick out of!

Going To The Castle

What exactly is going on here as far as the story of Sadiubus goes, I have no freaking idea! Basically, we have been told that “they” have returned and that the town is closed off until we the hero can go to the castle and save the day. From what I can gather these chicks are like sex crazed succubi that want nothing more than to jump our bones and use us for their own sexual pleasure. I think that there is something cool here with the premise, but I just had a really hard time following it, perhaps it is a translation issue?

Lewd Vania!

The best thing about Sadiubus is the gameplay. This is such a fun and exciting game to actually play! I love the exploration aspect of the game as it has a bit of a Metroidvania vibe about it which I like. I also like and appreciate how there is a map that is easy to follow. It encourages exploration, but not at the expense of you getting lost and having no clue where to go. There are also some puzzle elements in the game too which help keep you on your toes, but the most awesome thing about the gameplay is what we are going to dive into next.

Prepare For Combat

The exploration, puzzle solving, and so on in Sadiubus is great, but this game has some of the best combat I have experienced in a lewd game! It may look like a hack and slash style game and I guess there are elements of that here and it is very action here. However, the way that it requires you to time things like your attacks and dodges adds an extra layer of skill to the combat that makes it incredibly satisfying. You could honestly take all of the lewd content out of this and I would still play it as the combat is so enjoyable.

Pixel Butts In Your Face

The pixel art and animation in Sadiubus is great stuff! As I said in the intro, fem dom is the name of the game here so you can expect to see our hero have to put his face in a sexy chick’s rear end or just be used for their general sexual pleasure. The game has a very high-quality look to it all and the castle manages to look creepy and alluring at the same time, kind of like a lewd Castlevania! I came across many different lewd animations as I played the game and I was impressed with the number of different characters too. In all, this is one very stylish looking game.


I am not sure how much more the developer is planning to add to Sadiubus, but even if it were just a few more levels I would be ok with that. What we have here in the state that I played the game is fantastic stuff! I was entertained from start to end and I know that some people have had a few bugs here and there, but that was not the case for me. If you love lewd action games and get a kick out of fem dom porn, be sure to give this game a try as I am sure you will have a lot of fun with it.


  • The pixel art is amazing
  • I loved the fem dom content
  • The combat is very satisfying and exciting
  • It has a kind of Metroidvania vibe about it all


  • I wish that the story was easier to follow
  • No word on when we can expect the next update to be dropped

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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