Section 7: Project Unknown 101

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a game by MR.Matthew
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.3/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Lewd Horror Games
Section 7: Project Unknown 101
Section 7: Project Unknown 101
Section 7: Project Unknown 101

I know the name Section 7: Project Unknown 101 is a bit of a mouth full, but a lewd game with a sci-fi setting is always going to get my attention. What we have here is more of a demo than a full experience, but I think what this game is offering is a solid proof of concept that could be pretty great once it all comes together.

The Final Frontier

The story of the game is showing some real signs of promise. At the moment, our heroine is trying to survive in this strange and creepy place all the while being stalked by these creatures. I am pretty sure they are some kind of alien, but surviving is really the main goal of the story in Section 7: Project Unknown 101.

As of writing wat is on offer here is more about giving you a glimpse of what is to come. I get a kind of Dead Space vibe from what I have experienced so far.


The gameplay on offer in a very small way reminds me of the classic Resident Evil games. By this I mean it moves at a very slow and deliberate pace as you move around the area, trying to avoid getting molested by the various creatures that want to have their wicked way with you. I get that the slow-paced gameplay is not for everyone, but I like it, it gives the game a bit more of an atmospheric style and makes you worry about rushing into areas head-on.

Give Me The Gun!

The game in the state I played it is said there was gunplay, but I played through the current state of Section 7: Project Unknown 101 a few times and never found the gun even though I did come across ammo. You will be mainly walking around trying to avoid the enemies which is quite easy as they walk rather slow. There is an inventory system so I am sure there will be various items, weapons and so on that you can find and use as you play the game as it makes its way through development.

The Basics Are Here

Visually at first glance you would have to say that this is still a long way off. However, the main character and the aliens look good enough and the few sex scenes that are here are supported with some decent enough animation that more than gets the job done. The spacecraft, space station or whatever you want to call it is rather sparse at the moment, but I am sure there will be finer details added at some point.

I have to say that I was quite impressed with what I played with Section 7: Project Unknown 101. The game has a great premise and I like the slow and methodical pace that the gameplay has. It is like a blend of Resident Evil and Dead Space and that is a very good thing.


What is here is good, but at the end of the day it is just a demo and you can get through it in just one sitting. Still, it is good enough to get me interested in what will be added to the game in the upcoming updates.


  • I like the setting of the game
  • The gameplay is slow and methodical
  • The sex scenes are animated
  • It is showing a great deal of promise


  • At the end of the day this is just a demo
  • I cannot find the gun!

Download Section 7: Project Unknown 101


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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