New World Computing Games
Viewing games 1 to 11 (of 11 games)
King's Bounty is a game with a lot of depth. The non-linear quest literally allows you to roam around the world before ever fighting your first battle!
See also:
In Faery Tale Adventure you play as the brave warrior who will go and retrieve the missing talisman and face the Evil Necromancer.
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
“Panic! It’s gnawing at everything, everyone, everywhere. Some say Doomsday is coming to call, that it’s been foretold in the stars.Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
It's the third game in the role-playing game series Might and Magic. Released in 1991, it is the predecessor to Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen, and the sequel to Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World.