ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead

a game by Bohemia Interactive
Platform: PC (2010)
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: ArmA Series

As Its Set in the fictional country of Takistan, Operation Arrowhead features the racial slur "Taki", making this fiction feel too authentic for comfort. This isn't a criticism as for all it's problems, ArmA 2 delivers a fierce, palpable impression of real warfare. War's uncomfortable. People are going to be racist sometimes.

Still, it's interesting to be on the offending side. We're told that Takistan has an obnoxious foreign policy and is destabilising the surrounding area, but the slurs make you question what you're fighting for in these dusty mountains.

Bohemia's hardened military sims have never shied away from ties to real-world conflicts. But it's to Operation Arrowhead's credit that the war fought here feels more authentic than ever, with all the cultural tensions that have adorned our TV screens for the past decade being present. Perhaps it was a logical step to create a setting and a vocabulary so similar to the ones we're used to seeing and hearing.

As far as the game itself goes, the switch of location is a welcome one, providing a welcome contrast from the Eastern Europe of Arm A II. The game looks as pretty as ever, with sepia tones and motion blur creating a tangible atmosphere that rarely lets up. The change isn't merely cosmetic, however. Takistan is a largely desolate area of the world, its rolling hills dotted with minor settlements and outposts which offer little opportunity to take cover. On foot, this means the tension skyrockets, as you throw yourself to the ground to avoid the top of your skull being whipped off, and then dart like an antelope to the next rocky area in which to disguise yourself.

Lacking Lustre

So it's a shame that this new campaign never really hits its stride. Despite being seven chapters long and branching impressively on a couple of occasions, it feels like Bohemia struggled to fit everything in. The infantry missions largely take a back seat to several vehicular segments, which, although presented with the most immaculate attention to detail, never get the adrenaline pumping to the same extent.

The story doesn't kick off either. Even by the halfway point, the game still doesn't make you feel invested in its plot. I found myself searching for new and interesting ways to crash helicopters while laughing at the hysterically incongruous music.

There are plenty of new toys to play with, and it's here that Operation Arrowhead impresses the most. Unmanned aircraft now feature, as do a whole host of new units and weapons. Arrowhead is a standalone expansion, but these new features integrate with the original game, meaning new doors are opened in the expansive editing suite, which allows you to craft your own missions in the engine.

Fix It Already

Of course, one big question remains: Have the bugs, for which Bohemia's work has become infamous, been eradicated? The answer is no. The engine seems far less prone to stuttering with the graphical options turned up (on a high-end machine at least) minor quirks remain: wildlife twitches and glitches by the side of the road, while NPCs quietly dance on the spot, stuck in an eternal state of perpetually looping animation. If you turn your view around during one the occasional first-person cutscenes, you can point the camera inside your own neck. And, upon firing at one enemy soldier with a fairly innocuous weapon, I once managed to catapult him several thousand feet into the stratosphere.

Operation Arrowhead paints what is, possibly, the most chilling picture of the horrors of war..than any game has achieved yet. But the atmospherebreaking glitches and turgid campaign, make it an effort to stay invested with the game.

When the interface remains so grotesquely unintuitive - forcing newcomers to play through hours of bland tutorials to understand even the basics isn't the smartest move - one has to wonder whether Bohemia will ever realise the potential that's so clearly there, and unleash an absolutely remarkable game.

Download ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Those Videos On YouTube of people creating huge helicopter and tank-filled battles were genuinely awe-inspiring. Sadly, ArmA II's best bits were merely setpieces, the quality of the underlying game checked by glitches and errors.

Thankfully, Operation Arrowhead, a standalone expansion to ArmA II, aims to put all of the wrongs right, allowing the average gamer a chance to join the party, while keeping the commitment to depth and detail we've all come to admire.

The game will be a virtual melting pot of genres, with RPG and RTS elements melding with the core hardcore shooter experience, all adding up to what could be a unique take on the serious military FPS. We've heard ambitious things like this before from Bohemia, but this time it's looking more likely that they're going to deliver.

New Wave

First of all, there's the new campaign. Set in the fictional Middle Eastern nation of Takistan, (which, translated into Czech, means "Another-stan") this main trunk of the game will be much more plot-driven than before, with a branching story and multiple endings. Using the same engine as ArmA II, there's been plenty of buffing, polishing and tweaking going on since it first appeared on our radar. You'd expect it, especially if you've had the benefit of playing a fully patched ArmA II, to run a lot better than it originally did. It's no longer going to grind to a halt the moment anything interesting happens.

Pushing the game more towards mainstream production values doesn't mean Bohemia have forgotten their core fans. There's still plenty for them to get excited about, including more than 300 new units, weapons and vehicles, multiple factions (USA, UN, Takistani army, and guerillas) and even the addition of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), equipped with night vision and thermal imaging systems. The desert setting also allows for Bohemia to spread their wings a little, used as they are to shooters in 'greener' locations.

Finally, there's multiplayer and the comprehensive mission and map editor. The former supports over 50 players, plus hundreds of AI units, and the latter is still surprisingly intuitive. There's also an SDK kit for modders, which should produce some interesting results.

Operation Arrowhead is Bohemia's final big push to make ArmA II more than just that game you were interested in but, at the same time, scared to death of. The evidence so far indicates they could finally have nailed it. The proof is naturally in the playing, but it could be that ArmA II's potential has been realised after all this time.

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