Claire's Quest

a game by Dystopian Project
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 7.7/10, based on 3 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 7.3/10 - 42 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Download Anime Games, Hentai Games, Adult RPG, Erotic RPG, Futa Games
Claire's Quest
Claire's Quest
Claire's Quest

I have played many games made using RPG Maker and I must say that Claire's Quest is one of the more interesting ones. The first thing that I have to tell you about this game is that it is trying its best to try and be a bit different from the rest of the crowd so that right there makes this worth checking out…. in addition to all of the lewdness of course.

This Is Claire’s Story

The story of the game is rather interesting and also rather hard for me to talk about. I say this because while there is a basic plot here that starts off Claire's Quest. You can shape the story the way you want. The game has a kind of fantasy vibe to it where Claire has been forced to leave her home and she ends up in a horrible situation where it is up to you the player to ensure she has a good life.

The presentation of the game is something I like. I will say that many of these games that are made in RPG maker have a similar look and that is certainly the case here, but it still looks good enough. What does make this stand out is the handmade 2D sex images that they have made which are of a rather high quality.

Conversation Is The Real Combat

One of the things that made me take an interest in Claire's Quest was the fact that this is an RPG that has no combat or grinding in it all. The game has multiple islands for you to explore, but the way you move the story forward is with conversation. I must say this is a very interesting take for an RPG to take. The choices you make when dealing with people can drastically alter the way things go and you feel like everything you do can have a real consequence.

The islands that you will visit are all very different. Each one has its own set of quests, storylines, and sexual kinks so each one you go to feels like a different experience. Speaking of “experience”. While there is no grinding or fighting, you do have somethings to keep an eye on. Claire has hunger and energy points that you need to keep an eye on. She also has stats which are defiance, Depravity, Seduction, and Intrigue. Each one offers its own twist on how Claire and the story will progress.

I would not say that Claire's Quest is the greatest RPG I have ever played, but it is certainly a very interesting one. Having an RPG where you do not have to fight or grind is a bold choice to make and it is a choice that I feel for the most part they have done quite well. Those who love combat in their RPGs I feel will probably get bored rather quickly, but there is something special here if you stick with it.

Final Score: 7.5/10


  • I like Claire as a character
  • It is certainly an interesting way to go about an RPG
  • The presentation is pretty solid
  • The 2D hand-drawn sex stuff is well done
  • Each island really does feel like its own place


  • The lack of combat can make the game drag a bit
  • Some of my decisions did not feel all that important

Download Claire's Quest


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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