
a game by Sega
Genre: Arcade Classics
Platforms: PC, Sega GenesisGenesis
Editor Rating: 5.8/10, based on 4 reviews
User Rating: 6.9/10 - 32 votes
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See also: Arcade Games, Download Old School Games, Cult Classic Games

Today we are talking about a Sega arcade classic, Flicky. This was a pretty big hit in the 80s and was released on pretty much everything back in the day. The weird thing about Flicky is that Sega decided to release this on the Sega Mega Drive/Master System. Nothing wrong with releasing an arcade classic, but they waited until 1991 to do so! So this adorable, but a rather primitive platformer came out the same year as Sonic the Hedgehog.

Gotta Save Them All

The premise of the game is freaking adorable. You play as a cute little bird and you have to save other little birds on each level. That is the basics of the story and that is all we needed back in the day. The game has a ton of charm to it and I feel that this 16-bit version is the best looking of all the Flicky games that have been released.

Primitive, But Cute

The presentation of the game is just like it was in the arcades. By the time the game was released in 1991, it was seen as rather primitive. However, Sega captured the style of the arcade perfectly and in a way that the 8-bit consoles and computers of the day could not. It is nice and bright and while it may not have been appreciated back in 1991, now when you look back you cannot help, but smile at how cute and “retro” the overall design of this game is.

Ahead Of Its Time

When Flicky was first released in arcades in 1984, it was a breath of fresh air and very different from other games of its day. You control Flicky and you need to go around each of the 50 levels collecting the little birds. When you grab one, they follow you and you need to lead them to the exit. The more little birds that you have following you, the higher your score is going to be. The trouble with this is that there are a lot of other animals like cats and lizards that do not want these little birds getting away. If they touch you, you lose your little birds!

The platforming is solid enough and you can use a projectile attack, but this is really weird in that it fires when you jump so it can be rather hard to get the hang of. While there are 50 levels, this is the kind of game that you will be playing more for a high-score than just trying to beat all of the levels.

I know that at the time Flicky was rather under-appreciated when it was released. Many wondered why they would bother releasing an arcade game that was the better part of a decade old! However, I feel that it has a lot of charm and it is that perfect blend of fun and challenging so that pretty much anyone can play this and have fun.


Final Score


  • It is a very faithful port of the arcade original
  • The game has a very cute charm to it
  • The platforming feels fairly solid
  • The music has its charm as well
  • There are 50 levels to get through


  • The game is rather primitive
  • It is a bit of a shame how overlooked the game is

Download Flicky


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.

Game Reviews

  • Type: Action
  • Available: April 1991
  • Levels: 99
  • Difficulty:Easy

Oh, no! Flicky has lost her babies and needs your help! Take flight into Sega's newest addition to it's family of Maze-Chases. Flicky's chicks are strewn throughout 99 increasingly difficult levels. Flicky, however, is not the only one who wants her chicks. Cats and lizards are trying to get their paws and claws on the chicks as well! Flicky is not totally defenseless since she can throw objects at the enemies too.

People say:


Here is a low cost game for the Genesis aimed purely at the younger players. The theme is cute, as are the characters, but 99 levels is a little much. Since the music and enemies don't change, the game becomes tiresome quickly. The bonus stages do break the monotony a bit.


Another game from Sega that is both economical and fun to play. Not for everybody but once you try it you probably will want to keep on playing. It does go overboard with 99 levels but the younger players will probably be the first to get through all of them. Not bad, but not great.


Based on the old and little seen coin-op Flicky is obviously not the most complex of games. It does however have its addicting qualifies and with 99 levels at a 1Meg prise is not too bad. Directed toward younger players Flicky is an average game for everyone in the family.


Flicky is a highly entertaining game for kids, but not much else. This theme was worn out after City Connection, and doesn't come alive here. The Characters are few, the music is repetitive, and the concept is old. The best part of Flicky is having 99 levels to complete.

In the very same package that brought us Abrams Battle Tank was a game called Flick}/. You couldn't ask for a greater contrast.

Flicky is about as simple a game as we've seen on the Genesis — or on any other videogame system, for that matter. The character you play is a cute blue bird who jumps and flies over a series of platforms while rescuing a bunch of little yellow birds. The yellow birds automatically follow you once you touch them, and you have to lead them all to the exit to clear the stage. After every third stage is a bonus round in which you try to catch a flock of falling birds in a net.

And that's about it. The reasoning behind this very simple game is probably similar to the reasoning behind Abrams Battle Tank — Sega is trying to broaden its audience. Abrams is intended for older or more experienced players who want something different from the average shooter. Flicky seems to be intended for youngsters.

But there's a problem. While Flicky is so simple in concept that it probably won't hold the interest of older gamers, it also seems too difficult for inexperienced players. The game's tiny characters and constant action will probably frustrate those who aren't very adept with a control pad. As a result, Flicky seems to be stuck somewhere in between.

  • Theme: Action
  • Players: 1
  • Difficulty: Average

A marauding band of cats have found a huge nesting of little tiny baby birds and are planing a giant feast. Take the role of the blue bird with a big heart and try to get the chicks to the exit.

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Screenshots