Formula One Grand Prix 2

a game by Paradigm Entertainment
Platform: PC (1999)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.7/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Formula-1 Video Games
Formula One Grand Prix 2
Formula One Grand Prix 2
Formula One Grand Prix 2
Formula One Grand Prix 2

Er... what the bloody hell is going on here then? We got our hands on a copy of F1GP2 a good couple of months ago now, and as far as we were concerned that particular version was near-as-dammit completed. The cars were all in. The stats were sorted. The track maps were all in there and... well, it seemed pretty much finished as far as we were concerned. Pete loved the game (so much so he practically wanted to perform bizarre sex acts with it) and the general consensus of opinion was that it was A Good Thing. And now it's April and we still haven't heard a bloody peep out of MicroProse or dear Mr Crammond. Oh yes. we've seen a few later versions of the game and we've said how cool it looks - but what's the point of only magazines like us being able to play it? We can tell you how good it is until we are blue in the face but it doesn't mean a thing unless you lot can play it.

As time goes on the ante is being raised as well. Just three months ago. it was certainly the dog's bollocks as far as racing games were concerned, but now we hear that Psygnosis' amazing FI is poised to be unleashed onto the pc.

This will seriously steal some of GP2's thunder. But don't get us wrong - Crammond's baby is completely bloody amazing but if it doesn't come out soon it stands a chance of not being I at the very lop of the heap for long.

We're fully aware that you're all pissed off about the situation and we're equally aware that MicroProse are very nervous about the whole thing. We have been given assurances that the game will be in the shops by the end of April. We'd be keen to hear your views on the thing when you finally see it.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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