Killzone 3

a game by Guerrilla B.V.
Platform: Playstation 3 (2011)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.2/10 - 10 votes
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See also: Download First Person Shooter Games, Killzone Series
Killzone 3
Killzone 3
Killzone 3

Guerrilla Games is back once again with one of its most popular franchises, one that has become an emblem of the PlayStation consoles. Killzone 3 is the latest entry in the series, and as such, it is the next step into the future for the series. This series is well known for the incredible action, the stunning visuals, as well as the intense game experience they represent. So, what does the latest entry in the series have to offer, and what does it add to the franchise? Is it a worthy successor? Well, let's talk about the game.

About the game

Saying much about the plot of this game would be a complete spoiler for the previous title Killzone 2, as it is a direct sequel. In fact, it is so direct, that the game starts literally five minutes after the ending of the previous game. But there’s a lot of corrections and great things done to the way the story is told.

We won't spoil the story here, as not only it would spoil this game, but also the previous one. Even though the narrative and the development of the game's story have improved a lot, there are still many weak points in the story.

Not only in the structure, but also in the character development, which is still a weak aspect of the entire game. It is safe to say, however, that we get to know more about the characters of this game in the first hour than we did in the entirety of the previous one.

Intense action

Leaving the story element aside, this game is a big evolution in terms of gameplay and modes. It is finally up to the top of the quality lines among the other big FPS titles of the year such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The improved visuals make it one of the best-looking FPS of the year too.

There’s also the included split-screen co-op mode, this adds a lot to the experience. And it also makes a lot of sense. In previous Killzone games, rarely if ever is your character completely alone on the missions.

Review: 9/10

Among all the FPS games out there, few stand out quite like Killzone 3. It is a nice change of pace especially if you’re coming from titles like the Call of Duty series, which at this point can feel a little overused.

Killzone 3 adds a lot where Killzone 2 was lacking, the story, even though not super incredible, is much more nicely developed compared to that of the previous game. The setting is the same, but this time they went much deeper into world-building and character development.


The PS3 has some excellent exclusives, and it is safe to say that Killzone 3 is one of the best. The action, the visuals, the gameplay, all comes together to be one of the best FPS games of the generation as of its launch date.


  • Great co-op split-screen campaign
  • Excellent game modes
  • Fun gameplay
  • Amazing visuals


  • Basic story
  • Soundtrack is dull and repetitive
  • Short campaign

Download Killzone 3

Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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