Last Battle

a game by Sega
Genre: Action
Platform: Sega GenesisGenesis
Editor Rating: 6.2/10, based on 3 reviews
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Beat 'em-Up
Last Battle
Last Battle
Last Battle
Last Battle

Number of Levels: 4 Theme: Action/Adventure Difficulty: Average Number of Players: 1 Available: 1990

Fight Your Way to The Last Battle

Last Battle moves in a manner that is very similar to that of Altered Beast), but instead of taking on mythological creatures, this title pits you against an army of medieval warriors. It's your responsibility to defeat these marauders and reclaim the cities they have invaded.

Within each area you must take on the axe and knife-wielding thugs that have been sent by a trio of Boss guardians. In addition to confrontations with these heavies, you will also encounter friends who provide information, strength, and other power-ups which will help you in your quest.

The adventure overtones help expand the overall theme of the game from a simple scrolling kung-fu cart to an expansive quest with plenty of action. Mazes and text screens help build on the adventure theme, while Bosses and a number of different characters help provide the challenge in the highly-detailed scrolling 16-Bit environments.

People say:


Last Battle reminds me of a souped-up version Altered Beast. The characters are the same size and the backgrounds move at the same speed (at a crawl). There are Bosses, maps, and more detailed graphics, but the game wasn't that exciting.


Take an average kung-fu game but change the player's size from a three-inch stick figure to half the height of the screen and you have a whole new type of game. Throw in 16-Bit graphics and multi-layered backgrounds and you have a game that goes from average to excellent!


There's a lot to do in Last Battle, with separate screens for the scrolling action scenes and an underlying story that expands as you progress. The graphics are well done, and the cart has a decent play time, but the game is not impressive. LB is an average kung-fu kicker with a nice suit on.


Stunning graphics just can't save this karate game. The characters look awesome and the backgrounds are very detailed, but the game play itself is just your normal Kung-Fu Master spin-off. There are text and map scenes, but they don't add a whole lot to the game itself.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.

Game Reviews

  • Levels: 4
  • Theme: Action
  • Players: 1
  • Difficulty: Average

The final battle has come at last. The forces of evil are everywhere, and you are the only human with the fighting skills necessary to do battle against this vile horde of enemies. Good Luck.

  • Type: Action
  • Release: 10/15/1989
  • Difficulty: Avg.

Last Battle for the Sega Genesis moves and plays in a manner that is very similar to Altered Beast, but revolves around kung-fu action instead.

You are on a quest to defeat an army of marauders who have taken control of several cities. On your way to the arenas and confrontations with Boss opponents, you must fight your way through several types of guards - some who are also equipped with deadly weapons.

Highly detailed scrolling backgrounds help bring the battles to life.

People say:


Last Battle reminds me of a souped-up version of Altered Beast. The characters are the same size and move at the same speed (at a crawl). The backgrounds also scroll in the same fashion as Altered. There are Boss characters, maps, and more detailed graphics, but the game wasn't that exciting.


Take an average kung-fu game but change the player's size from a three inch stick figure to half the height of the TV screen and you have a whole new type of game. Throw in 16-Bit graphics and multi-layered backgrounds and you have a game that goes from average to excellent!


There's a lot to do in Last Battle, with separate screens for the scrolling action scenes and an underlying story that expands as you progress. The graphics are well done, and the cart has a decent play time, but the game is not original or impressive. LB is an average kung-fu kicker with a nice suit on.


Stunning graphics just can't save this karate game. The characters look awesome and the backgrounds are very detailed, but the game play itself is just your normal Kung-Fu Master spin-off. There are text and map scenes, but they don't add a whole lot to the game itself.

Snapshots and Media

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Screenshots