a game by Ponkotsu Maker
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Eroge Download, Download Anime Games, Hentai Games, Adult Beat 'em Up Games, Hentai Platformers, Best Vore Games - Download games where fantasy meets fetish

It may be hard as nails, but Metal Breaker is a fun old school style lewd action game that I did have a great time with. I will say that when I say that the game is “hard as nails” that is not an exaggeration, this game will kick your ass so you need to make sure you are in the mood for one hell of a tough challenge before you start playing the game that is for sure! I was very impressed with this and found that it had way more content than I initially thought that it did.

A Slug That Is Kind of Metal

One of the “selling points” of Metal Breaker is that it is a game that is inspired by the old school classics. Those classics in question are the classic Metal Slug series. Hey, if you are going to draw inspiration from a classic series of shooters, the Metal Slug games are the way to go. The story here is not all that deep, we play a babe on this messed up island full of monsters and bad guys and we need to save the various babes of war that are being held captive, all the while trying to avoid getting railed, killed, and impregnated.

Laying An Egg

Before I get to the gameplay, I want to talk about one of the stranger aspects of Metal Breaker and that is the whole “pregnancy” thing that we have going on here. Hey while pregnancy is never something that I seek out in a game, I get that there are those who dig it, and more power to you. The thing here is that it is not just a case of getting pregnant because some dude or monster banged you! This game takes things a step further by having some of the stranger looking creatures actually lay eggs inside you and then you yourself will lay the eggs…. Yeah, that is a big no from me on the egg laying hot babe. However, I will give the developer a high five for creativity that is for sure.

Smash Those Crates

The core gameplay of Metal Breaker is quite simple. You walk to the end of the level, kill anything that gets in your way, and then defeat a boss at the end of an area. There are also mini-bosses, alternate paths, and even a different ending so the game is pretty packed with content to keep you busy. However, this is one very hard game, you start with a pistol that has unlimited ammo, but this thing sucks and is very underpowered. You can get many other weapons like a machine gun and a shotgun, by smashing crates that you come across but these have limited ammo. Enemies can swarm you and some take a ton of hits so the game is super hard, plus the control is a little on the awkward side so it does take a bit of getting used to.

The Touch Of An Artist

The visuals and whole style of Metal Breaker are very impressive. The game has a hand drawn look about it and there is a lot of creativity to the enemies. There is a big fat security guard looking dude, a blob looking monster who you have to go inside to give a blow job to, and some weird island native looking people who remind me of the end boss from the classic Jungle Hunt on Atari 2600! There is a ton of creativity here and I got a kick out of how our main character would get naked when she got down to half health. The animation is great, it is nice and smooth and gives the game an almost cartoon vibe about it all. The XXX content is pretty frequent and well done, but some of it I liked, and some of it I found kind of gross, but there was certainly more that I liked.


I can see why for some people, Metal Breaker may be a tad on the frustrating side and I will be the first to admit that the controls are not the best. However, you can certainly get to grips with them and figure it out. I liked how challenging it was and always wanted to have one more try when I would die and get eggs implanted in me! If you are not scared of a brutal challenge, I highly recommend that you give this one a try.


  • The main character is hot
  • I liked how she gets naked when she takes damage
  • The gameplay is very challenging, but also very rewarding
  • This has way more content than you would expect


  • The game can be unfairly difficult on some occasions
  • The egg stuff is not for me



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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