Super Side Kicks

a game by SNK
Platform: NeoGeo
Editor Rating: 6.8/10, based on 2 reviews
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Sport Games, Sports Management Games, Soccer Video Games
Super Side Kicks
Super Side Kicks
Super Side Kicks
Super Side Kicks

What? A game for the Neo-Geo that only uses two buttons for its special moves?! I'm in shock! That's right. No multiple combinations of button pushes, no complex patterns and no mayhem. Just simple controls and play mechanics. That's the beauty of Super Sidekicks.

The game is a straightforward soccer competition that lets you challenge a human opponent in "vs. mode" or compete in a cup tournament against the computer--although most of Super Sidekicks' excitement lies in competing against a human opponent.

In both modes you have 12 international teams to choose from, and in vs. mode you have an additional 13th Superstar team composed of all-stars. When competing for the cup, you must select a team from one of the six available in either Group A or Group B. If you make it all the way through the tournament, there are a total of seven matches. In the preliminary round, you go against each of the five opposing teams in your group, whom you have to beat in order to make it to the semifinal match. Defeating the semifinal opponent gets you to the cup match.

Each of the competing teams has its own player attributes. Some are fast or slow in speed, some have good ball control and others have combinations of all of the above or none. Germany, for example, has fast players with good ball control, while England has the slower players with good ball control.

The Superstar team has an overwhelming play advantage over all other teams, so much so that it is almost impossible to beat when going head-to-head against it. Match durations can be set in varying lengths, but, unfortunately, there's no halftime. Games are played from beginning to end without any breaks. SNK could have easily divided the game into two halves and thrown in a little cinematic sequence for a halftime show. Also, another inconsistency with actual game rules is that the clock is stopped when the ball goes out of bounds or is caught by the goalie or when a foul is called. Yet, these few rule flaws really don't detract from the game enjoyment, unless you're an extreme soccer fanatic.

If the game you're playing winds up in a tie, you're given the option of playing the same match over or choosing to go to penalty kicks. Choosing penalty kicks brings you to a separate screen where you're looking toward the defending goalie from behind the kicker. The team to get the most goals from five kicks wins the match, unless the teams finish tied in goals. If that happens, the penalty kicks continue until somebody misses.

Regulation-time game play is presented in three-quarter side-scrolling perspective. Throughout the game, a zoom feature is used to get close-ups of the play and also to zoom off the action.

Super Sidekicks doesn't break new ground on the Neo-Geo, but what it does offer is a challenging and entertaining game that doesn't force you to grow an extra set of fingers just so you can play it.

Download Super Side Kicks


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Soccer takes on a blood sport flair! Pick from 13 tough teams and play for the glory of your chosen country! Varying weather conditions can hamper your play! When it rains, your players slide around the field uncontrollably. By pressing the buttons, you can perform power plays! Slide or tackle your opponent to get the ball or perform a super kick to slam the ball into the goal!

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