Super Thunder Blade

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a game by Sega
Genres: Flying, Shooting Games
Platform: Sega GenesisGenesis
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 4 reviews
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Helicopter Games
Super Thunder Blade
Super Thunder Blade
Super Thunder Blade
Super Thunder Blade
  • Type: Action
  • Levels of Play: 4
  • Release: 09/01/1989
  • Difficulty: Avg.

The Thunder Blad attack helicopter is back in this souped up version of the arcade classic!

You take command of a chopper armed to the teeth with guns and rockets. Go into battle over enemy terrain and fight some of the most deadly machines ever displayed in a video game. The action is broken into two different levels with first-person "coming at 'ya" attacks on enemy cities and overhead battles against Boss vehicles.

People says:


STB just isn't what a 16-Bit game should be. It's not offending, but the graphics, while detailed, don't move in smooth progression from the background to the foreground. The worst thing about STB, however, is how it controls, with poor response that is slow and sluggish and makes the game tedious.


Genesis promises arcade graphics and Super Thunder Blade comes close. In fact, no home machine can do a better job. While better that the 8-Bit, STB is still not perfect. On coming objects increase in size in coarse steps, but detailed shapes add some luster. STB plays well and shows what the Genesis can do.


Although the dual level game play is adequate, the graphics are too choppy and there is an abundance of screen flicker. I thought the 16-Bit processor would have cleared a lot of these problems up, but unfortunately STB is plagued by the same drawbacks.


Awesome graphics! Harder than the arcade or 8-Bit versions of Thunder Blade, but also a lot better. The controls are sluggish, but the graphics more than make up for any minor problems in play. STB makes the 8-Bit Thunder Blade look like a 2600 game!

Download Super Thunder Blade


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.

Game Reviews

Number of Levels: 4 Theme: Flying/Shooter Difficulty: Average Number of Players: 1 Available: 1990

Take Control of the Thunder Blad

The Thunder Blade attack helicopter is back again in this souped-up version of an arcade and Master System classic!

You take control of a chopper that is armed to the teeth with guns and rockets. Go into battle over enemy territory against some of the most deadly machines ever displayed in a video game. The battle begins in the skies and then switches to the city, where heavily fortified enemy troops attack from both the air and the ground, using helicopter gunships and armored tanks! Maneuver between city buildings and deliver a crushing blow to the terrorist armies before moving into their territory!

STB introduces Boss conflicts in first-person detail as well as from an overhead perspective. Equipped with enough firepower to eliminate a small nation, and enough targets to use it up, STB explodes with action.

People say:


STB just isn't what a 16-Bit game should be. The graphics, while detailed, don't move in smooth progression from the background to the foreground. The worst thing about STB, however, is how it controls, with poor response that is slow and sluggish and makes the game tedious.


Genesis promises arcade graphics and STB comes close. While better than the 8-bit, STB is still not perfect. Oncoming objects increase in size in coarse steps, but detailed shapes add some luster. STB, while good, doesn't shows what the Genesis can do.


Although the dual level game play is adequate, the graphics are too choppy and there is an abundance of screen flicker. I thought the 16-Bit processor would have cleared a lot of these problems uproot unfortunately STB is plagued by the same drawbacks.


Awesome graphics! Harder than the arcade or 8-Bit versions of Thunder Blade, but also a lot better. The controls are sluggish, but the graphics more than make up for any minor problems in play. STB makes the 8-Bit Thunder Blade look like a 2600 game!

  • Levels: 1
  • Theme: Shooter
  • Players: 1
  • Difficulty: Average

Another arcade conversion, you must pilot a specialized attack chopper through hordes of enemy vehicles, turrets, and huge bosses that will try their hardest to take you out!

A close version of the arcade hit that's loaded with great first-person graphics, scrolling overhead attacks, and huge Boss weapons. A bit difficult to control with some rough edges showing up in the first-person animation.

Snapshots and Media

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Screenshots

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    Andy said on Forum:

    I had this game when i was a kid and loved it, Its like Afterburner but i think this is better, A must for any fans of the film Blue thunder!...