Brave Soul

a game by Macho Studio
Platform: PC (2001)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Lewd Games
Brave Soul
Brave Soul
Brave Soul
Brave Soul

If you are into erotic RPGs then you might want to take a look at Brave Soul which is what I am doing today. This was originally released back in 2003 so it is just getting to the point where it could be referred to as an “old-school” game in my opinion. If you like this style of game then this one here is not too bad at all.

The Naked Lady Of My Dreams

The character that we play as is called Rudy and he is a young man who has always had a dream about this beautiful naked woman. One day, he along with his dragon decides to join the Hunter Guild. One day he comes across a young woman who looks just like the women of his dreams!

Before he knows it, Rudy is on a dangerous adventure where he will see just how brave he is and also find a special someone too. Brave Soul has a decent enough story and I liked the different ladies that you could talk to. I just wish that there was more interaction between the girls. The story has a fair bit of humor to it and this I feel helps keep the story moving at a good pace.

What Is Old Is New

The funny thing about the presentation of this game is that when it was released back in 2003, it was considered retro then. They went for a 16-bit type of graphics and I think that they have held up very well. The characters do not have that same “sprite” look to them that many modern “retro” erotic RPGs tend to have. I liked it all and it reminded me of the Ys games in all honesty.

Brave Soul also has some fantastic anime-style cut scenes and these are done very, very well. I am sure had I seen these back in 2003, I would have probably been very impressed with how they were done. There is a decent amount of adult content here and that is also of a solid quality.

Stab, Stab, Stab!

The gameplay of Brave Soul is ok. It very much feels like a throwback kind of game in how basic the combat is. You just click away until the thing in front of you is dead and that is pretty much it. The only times I struggled with the combat was when I came across an enemy that I was not at a high enough level to fight. You can have up to four people in your party at a time and they do what they want, but the AI is pretty good.

You will be going around the world, trying to complete quests, level up, and move the story along. It is very typical RPG stuff, but it is solid enough that I never had any complaints while I was playing.


I am sure had I played Brave Soul back in 2003 that this would have been a firm favorite of mine. Even now playing this it does have a lot of charm to it I just feel that more modern RPGs do offer more. Still, it has a solid story and one that I did get invested in enough to be able to look past the rather simple gameplay.


  • I liked the idea of looking for your dream woman
  • The graphics are very well done
  • I liked the anime scenes that the game had
  • The adult stuff is pretty hot!
  • Overall, it is one of the better classic erotic RPGs I have played


  • It does feel pretty basic in every regard
  • The combat is super simple

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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