
Best 6 MegaGames

Viewing games 1 to 6 (of 6 games)

MegaGames 3-in-1 Vol 1

Includes motorbike racing, fooball and columns games.
Sega Genesis

MegaGames 3-in-1 Vol 2

Golden Axe + Streets of Rage + The Legend of Shinobi.
Sega Genesis

MegaGames 4-in-1

Flicky + Altered Beast + Gunstar Heroes + Alex Kidd.
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Sega Genesis

MegaGames 6-in-1 US

Mega Games 6 is a Compilation game, developed and published by Sega, which was released in Europe in 1995.
Sega Genesis

MegaGames 6-in-1 Vol 3

Sega Soccer + Columns + Streets of Rage + The Legend of Shinobi + Sonic the Hedgehog + Super Monaco GP.
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Sega Genesis

MegaGames 6in1 Vol 1

World Cup Italia '90 + Columns + Streets of Rage + Golden Axe + The Legend of Shinobi + Super Hang-On.
Sega Genesis