Welcome to the Adventurer Inn!

a game by Peperoncino
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Erotic RPG, Manga Games, Best Indie Games
Welcome to the Adventurer Inn!
Welcome to the Adventurer Inn!
Welcome to the Adventurer Inn!
Welcome to the Adventurer Inn!

Welcome to the Adventurer Inn! Is a pretty interesting game. This is a management style of game where you manage an inn that is there for adventurers to rest after an epic quest. The game was actually first released a while ago, but it was then ported to STEAM many years later. The fact that someone thought to do this is kind of crazy to me. I think the premise of the game is very, very good, but I do wish that they gave it a bit of work before this re-release.

The Famous Inn Keeper

In this land, there is a lot of adventure to be had and like the name, Welcome to the Adventurer Inn! Suggests, the adventure inn is the place to be. There are many hot female adventurers in this land and you want to them to come to visit your inn so that they spend money and perhaps even spend a bit of quality time here if you know what I am saying! Each adventurer that will come into your inn will have their own story to tell, but the game is not as story-driven as I was hoping it would be if I am honest with you. The basics of the story are that you want to build up your “fame” so that you can earn more money and attract more people to your inn.

Growing Pains

I have to say that I love the idea of what Welcome to the Adventurer Inn! Is offering. You need to make money by having people come and visit your inn. You make more money by having better stuff in your inn. You do this by hiring adventurers and sending them out to find stuff for you. The problem is, that the adventurers you hire cost a lot of money. It is not uncommon to hire people, send them on a quest, and then the stuff they get for you does not even cover the cost of hiring them in the first place.

This is a very, very grindy game. You can tell that this is not a fully modern kind of sim/management game as people do not like stuff which is this grindy. There are some great ideas here, but most of it is hidden behind insane amounts of grinding.

Pretty In Chains

I love the way that Welcome to the Adventurer Inn! Looks. This game features plenty of hot female adventurers. What is great about these characters is that they manage to walk that fine line of looking heroic all the while looking very sexy. There is some great artwork here that showcases these ladies in all their glory. The sections where you send your adventurers out to find your stuff is done in a cutesier way and that is also very appealing.

I Understand What You Are Saying

The translation of this game I feel deserves a lot of credit. Most of it makes perfect sense and it is done very well. Considering that this is an older game, I thought they would just run it through Google Translate and call it a day, but that was not the case at all, they did actually put quite a bit of work into this which I do think they deserve a lot of credit for.


I think that the idea behind Welcome to the Adventurer Inn is one that is really cool. The thing is, this is 100 percent a game that was released a while ago. The grinding in this game really spoils it. If you can deal with that, then the whole upgrading of your inn is going to be something you have a lot of fun with. This game is not bad, but I just wish that they modernized it for this re-release.


  • The idea of running an inn is cool
  • Many of these adventurer ladies are hot
  • The game looks great
  • I love the cutesy style of graphics when characters go on an adventure


  • The game is a real grind fest
  • The grinding can actually put you off the game!

Download Welcome to the Adventurer Inn!


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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