Yo Kai Watch

a game by Level-5 Inc.
Platform: PC (2015)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.9/10 - 7 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Manga Games, Games Like Persona 5, Games Like Pokemon, JRPG Games
Yo Kai Watch
Yo Kai Watch
Yo Kai Watch

Role playing games and the Nintendo 3DS feel like they go hand in hand with one another, and it is easy to see why. The mobile nature, the dual screens, and the friendly handling of the 3DS meant it was a dream for RPG playing. When Level-5 published and developed Yo Kai Watch, then, they had manged to attach lightning in a bottle. As one of the most successful games in the history of the 3DS, Yo Kai Watch managed to build up a highly interesting game built upon stories from Japanese folklore.

An interesting RPG with some intriguing ideas

The game itself is built around the whole idea of dealing with Yokai, wo are Japanese creatures of folklore that cause challenges to our lives. The game makes you take control of Nathan Adams or Katie Forester. The player character is given a watch which allows them to see Yokai as opposed to simply hearing about their mischievous activities.

The player quickly befriends someone called Whisper, a butler Yokai. You then spend much of the game traveling around town and meeting other Yokai, battling aggressive Yokai, and befriending those who are not looking for a fighter. You also will spend much of the game solving problems and resolving issues between Yokai and people alike. The whole thing is very funny, satisfying, and endearing to take part in.

The game managed to be successful that it was developed into an anime series – that should speak for how well the game was received. However, it did not come to the West until 2015 and thus it missed much of its chance to build the same popularity abroad.

With a gameplay loop that made the most of both screens, you would work your way through Springdale finding various Yokai along the way. You can, much like the Pokémon games, actually collect Yokai – once beating a Yokai, they might offer you their coin which allows you to summon them into battle. Split across eight tribes/types, these, again, like Pokémon, have their own strengths and weaknesses.

An excellent take on the idea of Yokai (8/10)

While other titles like Nioh build the idea of Yokai to be extremely aggressive in many ways, almost demonic, this game manages to take the idea of Yokai and make them more adorable. The game is filled with secrets, including fighting powerful and legendary Yokai, including the infamous Oni and Namahage, who are incredibly challenging. In short, the game makes sure that you are always building, adapting, and meeting new people – the end result being a truly enjoyable and gratifying experience.


There is much to love about this particular game, with its animation and its general theme and nature making it a highly enjoyable title. If you are looking for a game to play that is easy enough to play and fun to learn, you might find that Yo Kai Watch is exactly what you have been looking for.


  • Hugely enjoyable entertainment in a unique, engaging world
  • Take part in collecting Yokai and build up your own collection
  • Simple yet strategic combat that ensures you always feel in control


  • Perhaps a little confusing at times, with some systems not explained well
  • Quirky nature can mean this game probably has a distinctive audience

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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