The Legend of the Mystical Ninja Cheats

SNES Cheats

Unlimited hamburgers

Enter vxZ++ lh:@Y nn3+1 $T+KK hG:!< +!+X@ r as a password.

Always win at least $50 in lottery

Rapidly tap B during the lottery drawing.

Extra supplies

Enter 6KjG RVGG! yBgMR %^G:: v>G= GRPG* ? as a password on the logbook entry screen. This password is intentionally invalid. Do not erase the invalid password. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to return to the beginning of the page. Enter rzT$> L1>X9 q+TD^ ZR>?? q/>zD >^H>z : as a password over the invalid password. Game play will begin at level 9 with Kid Ying. Press A on controller two to start Dr. Yang with extra items.