liusha posted a comment: 17 years, 10 months ago
hy dudes and babes!!!!!!!!!!!!
can u please make this game download soon.plzs i had it in my old computer.it was my fav.it is a wonderfull game to me u also try it.but we can't download so can u soon make this game download able.thank u
lila posted a comment: 17 years, 6 months ago
just go and talk to guston.say u will marry if u will help in moving the rock.then he will say yes.now take him to dat place.and u can carry on the level.i knw this bec i have it.but knw saddly i lost dat gave can u plzz say me how to download it or frm which site
Ash posted a comment: 17 years, 8 months ago
can someone tell me how to cross the big rock in the street at levle 1
SAAA posted a comment: 17 years, 7 months ago
I want to downloada this game. pls!make it downloadable I'm waiting 4 this game since 1 yr. waiiittttttttttttiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg 4 this game??//////??/???//??/????/
lila posted a comment: 17 years, 6 months ago
just go and talk to guston and while talking just act as if u will marry him.say him u will marry if he will help u.when he say yes just say to move the rock.then take him.wwhen he moves the rock u can go more far ........... but i helped u knw can u help mee... how to download this game.i had it.itz really nice if u nw to play it
Chiara posted a comment: 17 years, 5 months ago
hey 2 donload it go 2: http://www.pesgaming.com/showthread.php?t=38869
and in the list just click the name and then download it!!!! ^_^ very good game!!!
Chiara posted a comment: 17 years, 2 months ago
i don't get the forest part. I'm guessing that you have to follow that old man's directions with the roses and their color, but how do you know which way is north or something?? and if its not by that, then how do you find the castle?? oh and if there's sevral forest scenes, its the part right after you find out that belle's father is missing...please help me!!!
Justin Garcia CoolDuelist posted a comment: 17 years, 2 months ago
The Forest level is a hassle and many people have trouble passing it (Including me at first) but I wrote a strategy guide on how to pass it.
Level 2 - The Forbidding Woods
At the Start you should be in front of a Tree with a Red flower. Go left past the tree and there should be another tree with a blue flower. Stand between the two trees and press UP. Now you should be in between a tree With a Blue flower and a Yellow flower at each side of it and a dead trunk. Just press UP again since your in between already. In this next area you should be in between two animal traps. Also there should be a tree that has a Blue flower and what's suppose to be a White Flower but looks more blue than white. Jump over the animal trap to the right and continue going to the right. Now there should be a tree with Red and Blue Flowers at each side. Stand next to the flower tree but be careful because there should be a plant that attacks you and a bat too. When your standing next to the red flower tree, press UP. Now you should be in between two trees, the left tree should have a yellow flower and the right tree should have a blue flower, just press UP again. Now you should be in between a tree with a red flower and a dead trunk with a blue flower. There is a plant monster next to the dead trunk. Go to the left but be careful of the boar. Once you see an animal trap, stop and press UP next to the Red flower tree. In this next area you should see a tree with supposed white flower, animal traps and a plant monster. Go right and jump over the animal traps and be careful of the boar. This is the final area, can you see the castle and a tree with a yellow flower? If you do, then you did everything right, if you don't, then your lost. Go right and stop in front of the castle (or next to the yellow flower tree, same thing) and press UP. That's it end of level.
Chiara posted a comment: 17 years, 2 months ago
cool but when i start, there's no red flower! only a blue-ish white-ish flower... its weird, but I did find a place with a red flower, but it got all messed up.. :( any ideas???
Justin Garcia CoolDuelist posted a comment: 17 years, 2 months ago
That's Strange. I know there were two versions of the game. Did you get this game from this page and site?
Chiara posted a comment: 17 years, 2 months ago
um..no i got it from the site that i posted a cpuple messages above...two versions...hmm...thats weird...
Justin Garcia CoolDuelist posted a comment: 17 years, 2 months ago
I'm not sure what or which version you've got but try this Strategy. If this doesn't work either then may I suggest downloading the game from this site?
Belle finds out her father has gone with his new invention, but then her horse comes back without her father so she goes to look for him but she looses the horse in the forest and she's now alone...
There are three types of enemies in these dark woods, the bats (bent to avoid), the boar (jump over to avoid) and a kind of plant that'll try to hit you... jump over it to avoid. This forest is a maze.
From the start, go to right. There'll be a tree with a blue flower and a redish-orange flower at each side of it. Right of that tree is a dead trunk. Stand between the flowers tree and the dead trunk. Press UP on the controller to reach another part of the forest. You should be between 2 animal traps on the ground. Jump over the trap to your right and continue your way. Then, there'll be a weird plant and next to it, a tree with a blue and yellow flower on it. Jump over the plant and stand at the right of the flowers tree. Press UP to enter a new section of the forest. Continue to the right, jump over the boar and the plant and go to the next part. Jump over the trap and go the right. Stand between the tree with the yellow flower and the dead trunk (watch out for the boar) and press UP to reach the next section. Now, go to the right and jump over the 2 traps. Jump over the last trap and press UP to reach the castle (you'll see it if you're at the right place...).
nidhi gupta posted a comment: 16 years, 10 months ago
i want to download and loves this game. i had it in my old computer and is crazy for it. please help
Andy posted a comment: 16 years, 10 months ago
Same as site again www.games4win.com...
Lulu posted a comment: 16 years, 8 months ago
Guys, NONE of your walkthroughs worked with me, please help
Gosia posted a comment: 16 years, 8 months ago
you should always go like this: when you see yellow flower - go to north (the path on the middle and up). white flower - go to east (to the right) red flower - go to nortwest (first path on the left and up) It works! :)
Lulu posted a comment: 16 years, 8 months ago
Thx sooooo much it worked!! (finally)