A Kiss from Death

a game by Hosted Games
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Adult Visual Novels #avn, Best Casual Games, Best Indie Games, Story-Rich Games, RPGs, Games Where Choices Matter, Best Singleplayer Games, Interactive Drama Games, Text Adventure
A Kiss from Death
A Kiss from Death
A Kiss from Death
A Kiss from Death

A Kiss from Death is a story driven…. I want to say visual novel, but there are no actual visuals here so let's just call it an interactive novel, and boy is this an interactive story! This is a story about love, loss, war, happiness, sadness, and more. It is the kind of game that really does grab a hold of you and never lets go until you get to the end. I will say that if you are someone that is not usually into text based adventure games, this is probably not going to change your mind. However, for those who value a great story, this is honestly a must play game for you.

The Tale Of An Immortal

The story of A Kiss from Death goes in so many directions that it is honestly hard for me to narrow it down into a synopsis. Basically, we play the role of an immortal and we go on a journey that spans many, many years and we get to see all kinds of stuff, war, love, tragedy, and pretty much everything in between. At the start of the game, we get to control our immortal and we then go on this epic journey that spans many, many years. It plays on the theme of being an immortal being on one hand is amazing, but living forever does come with some pretty major downsides as well.

The One That You Want

A Huge part of the story in A Kiss from Death is that you have to find someone to spend your life with. Now, the game handles this in a very interesting way. You see, you are not the only immortal being in this world, there are several other immortal beings and in theory, it would make sense to shack up with one of them. However, spending an eternity with someone may not go as smoothly as you may think. As well as the immortal beings, there are many other beings (from all manner of races) that you can have romantic things with as well, but falling in love with someone who can die when you cannot is a real setup for heartbreak and tragedy.

A Different Kind Of Path

While A Kiss from Death is a text-based game, it does have a bit more “meat” to the gameplay than you may be expecting. As I said, you do actually create your immortal and there is a decent amount of choice here. However, the way the story unfolds is fantastic as the events are randomized and the developer claims that even if you try and make all the same choices, you will not get the exact same story! It makes this a game that is great for multiple playthroughs and that is honestly something I can see myself doing. I liked the way that it gives you a decent selection of choices too, sometimes the choice was easy to make, and other times it was brutal and caused me a great deal of stress and uncertainty.

A Good Read

As I have said about a million times, A Kiss from Death is a text-based game, a visual novel without the visuals! That means that pretty much all you will be looking at as you play the game is a wall of text. To be fair, the style they have gone for here is nice and easy to read and I never found myself getting eye strain or anything like that and at the end of the day, that is really all you can ask for when it comes to a game of this style. I will say that the fantastic writing does an amazing job of allowing you to paint your own picture of what this fantasy world looks like in your head. If you have a vivid imagination, you will get into this game even more!


A game like A Kiss from Death is really made for a particular audience and I know that text-based games are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, that is for sure. However, I had a fantastic time with my playthrough. It pretty much took me through every part of the emotional spectrum and it was an experience that I do cherish. I have only played through the game once, but next time I have some time off work, I plan on doing a radically different playthrough.


  • Playing as an immortal is awesome
  • I loved the various relationships that were built over the years
  • Some of the choices are really hard to make
  • The game is made to be played many times


  • The lack of graphics may be an issue for some
  • Some of the storylines are pretty heartbreaking and hard to deal with!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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