Life Is Strange 2

Download Life Is Strange 2 and embark on a powerful, emotional journey with brothers Sean and Daniel. Make choices that shape the story and determine their fate as they face unimaginable challenges. Are you ready to change their lives? Play now!
a game by Dontnod Entertainment
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 9.3/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 9.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Games Where Choices Matter, Walking Simulator Games, Interactive Drama Games, Episodic Games, Narrative Games, Life is Strange Series, Games Like Detroit Become Human
Life Is Strange 2
Life Is Strange 2
Life Is Strange 2
Life Is Strange 2

When the first episode was released in 2018, Life Is Strange 2 was one of my most anticipated games of the year. The first two were awesome and I was very excited to go on an adventure with a set of brand-new characters. The series may have been released in 2018, but in typical fashion, it was released episodically over the next year which thankfully they are ditching for the third game in the series in 2021!

The Wolf Pack

It talking about the story of Life Is Strange 2 I have to try and be very careful as I do not want to spoil the game for you. Our main character is a teenager called, Sean who lives with his dad and his younger brother Daniel. They have a decent enough life and their dad tries his best and for the most part, they seem happy. One day, Daniel gets into a bit of trouble with their neighbor and the cops come and then it all hits the fan. It turns out that Daniel has these telekinesis powers and the cop ends up accidentally killed. Sean, freaks out, grabs Daniel and the two of them hit the road to keep away from the cops. It is a truly fantastic story with many twists and turns and the best thing about it is the bond between the two brothers. In typical fashion, you shape the story as you play so the way you experienced it may be different from the way I did.

Making The Right Choices

I have played every game that has been part of this series so far and I always end up getting very invested. You play as Sean and you are free to walk around, you can interact with items, talk to people, and so on. When you talk to people, you have a choice of things to say and this is what shapes the story as well as the relationship between Daniel and Sean. If you have played the other games in the Life is Strange series, Life Is Strange 2 is not going to surprise you with it its gameplay.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

The presentation in Life Is Strange 2 is better than it was in the last two games. The reason I say this is because this game has a ton more variety. You will be in the woods, in a weird cult-led place, in the mountains, your grandparent's house, and more. The way the two brothers have to keep on the move means that they were able to keep things fresh with the locations in the game and this was an aspect that I really did like.

Talk To Me

Life Is Strange 2 has a great voice cast that really brings home the story. I have to say that if this game was just all text-based and had no voice acting, I do not think the story would have had the impact that it did. Sean is great as the caring older brother, but at the end of the day he is a 16-year-old dude and that shines through. Daniel tries to be a good little brother, but he has these powers and he can be a brat. Stuff like this is all delivered perfectly!


I had a great time with Life Is Strange 2 and I played through it a couple of times. I liked the two main characters and the journey of discovery that they end up on is very engaging. The social commentary the game has with racism never bothered me or felt forced like some other people said. I also loved the little tie-ins that they had which connected it to the other games in the series.


  • The two main characters are great
  • It has amazing voice acting
  • The graphics are great
  • Multiple endings and choices give the game replay value


  • It is great, but not quite as good as the first game in my opinion
  • Daniel can be a real brat sometimes!

Download Life Is Strange 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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