Alpha Hole Prison

a game by Y Press Games
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Adult Visual Novels #avn, Yaoi Games, Love and Romance Games
Alpha Hole Prison
Alpha Hole Prison
Alpha Hole Prison
Alpha Hole Prison

I am having a hard time thinking of a better gay lewd visual novel than Alpha Hole Prison! This game completely blew me away and I honestly pretty much have nothing majorly negative to say about my experience with this game. It has a fantastic story, some excellent and well written characters, and some incredibly graphic XXX art that has something for everyone. If you want a boy's love game that is going to well and truly hook you, they do not get much better than this!

Space Trespassing! What Is That?

The main character that we play as in Alpha Hole Prison is a mid-30s dude from Earth called Miguel Santos. Notice I said that he was from Earth? That is because he got sucked into a wormhole and he was then arrested for space trespassing which has gotten him a life sentence in the most dangerous intergalactic prison in the galaxy! Being a weak Earthling, Miguel is going to need to find a beefy, hunky strong prisoner to look after him!

A Cast Of Epic Proportions

Not only is the story of Miguel interesting, but Alpha Hole Prison has one of the most incredible casts of characters that I have ever seen in a lewd visual novel. There are seven character routes to play through and each of these characters are very well developed with their own backstories, motivations, and relationship with Miguel. You have the rather weak and feeble Rin who is our cellmate. Viz Goth is this super strong dude who may have an issue with cannibalism and Reaver is a salve and has a thing going with Viz Goth. That is just three of the characters, but everyone in this game is very well written, you will legit want to play through every route to get the full experience and understand these characters more.

Never Skipping!

Alpha Hole Prison is one of those rare lewd visual novels where I would say that you do not want to skip a single part of the dialogue! This game gives you some choices to make as you progress which will set you onto a certain story path. I do think that there are certain story paths that should be played first in order to get the best experience, but I guess you could play the game in any way that you want and still have a fantastic time. I would just recommend that you do Viz Goth and then Reaver and probably leave those two until the last as they connect more than the others do.

The Dirty & Hot Side Of Prison Life!

The presentation of Alpha Hole Prison is just incredible. The character designs are amazing, these are alien beings, but their designs are not too over the top and they do all at the very least have a humanoid look about them. The XXX stuff here is incredible, it not only looks spectacular, but it is also very well animated. Then we have the voice acting! That is right, this game has voice acting. Not every single line of dialogue is voice acted, but they have some very talented voice actors here who do a wonderful job of really bringing these interesting and complex characters to life.


I truly cannot say enough positive things about my experience with Alpha Hole Prison. This is an absolute top tier gay visual novel and the only way I would not recommend it is if gay sex is not your thing. Even then, I am sure you would still be able to appreciate this as the writing and the complex relationships between the characters is so well done. This is as close to perfect as a XXX visual novel can get!


  • Each of the characters is well written
  • I legit cared about the stories of all the characters
  • It has some incredible gay XXX art
  • This is one of the best lewd visual novels you will ever play


  • If gay sex is not your cup of tea, you may not get as much out of this

Download Alpha Hole Prison


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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