Missile Command

a game by Atari Co.
Platforms: GameBoy Color, GameBoy (1992)
Editor Rating: 6.8/10, based on 3 reviews
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: High Score Games, Download Shoot 'Em Up Games
Missile Command
Missile Command
Missile Command
Missile Command

The Earth is under attack from an alien race and it's up to you and your missile bases to stop them! Target your cross hairs on the missiles and fire away! Old arcade hits don't fade away they come back as GameBoy carts!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

A barrage of missiles rains down upon the world's cities. If s up to you to intercept them and save the world's cities from holocaust.

Sound familiar? It should, at least if you've ever had your hands on an Atari or dropped a quarter into an arcade machine. Missile Command is yet another classic title that Accolade's converted into Game Boy fare. The good news: this is the best of the trio (the others are Asteroids and Centipede).

Your goal in Missile Command is to survive and score as many points as possible. To accomplish this, you must defend 16 cities against enemy fire that's descending on you from the top of the screen. Each city has six different Districts and two Anti-Missile Silos. Use your Missiles to blowup incoming enemy Missiles, Smart Bombs, and Aircraft before they destroy your city's Districts and Silos. You score points by destroying enemy weapons, and bonus points for the number of Missiles and Districts you have left at the end of a round. There are two rounds per city, 32 rounds in all. You'll keep playing 'til all of your City's Districts are destroyed.

Sure this game is simple, but that's what made it so appealing in its former reincarnation, Fortunately, black and white graphics don't effect the quality of the game play in this translation. The graphics are large enough to avoid undue eyestrain! An alternating two-player option makes for explosive head-to-head high score competition. It's reassuring to find out that you can teach an old game new tricks after all!


  • You eam a new District with every 10,000 points you score.
  • Don't waste your time trying to destroy Missiles that aren't going to hit your Districts or Silos.

Now you have the opportunity to save the world. Sixteen of the world's major cities are under threat of a major attack. You're responsible fa setting up and launching antimissiles which will save the lives of millions. Each of the 16 cities is equipped with two antimissile silos, each of which has 15 missiles. Can you make the best of your limited ammo and protect each city from maja missile, satellite, airplane, and smart bomb attacks? Or will you simply go up in smoke?

Snapshots and Media

GameBoy Color Screenshots

GameBoy Screenshots