My Fallen Angels

a game by Bad Angel Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Download, Visual Novel, BDSM Porn Games, Harem Games
My Fallen Angels
My Fallen Angels
My Fallen Angels
My Fallen Angels

My Fallen Angels is a solid lewd sandbox game that for the right kind of person, could end up being quite addictive. One of the best things I can say about this game is that it is completed! This is awesome as it means that you do not need to wait for several months at a time in order for the next update to be released. Anyway, I played through this entirely and I have to say, a second playthrough is not something that I would be completely against.

These Angels Do Not Belong To Charlie!

I could be wrong here, but I am assuming the inspiration for My Fallen Angels was the classic show or the Cameron Diaz led movies…. Or that god awful Kristen Stewart movie Charlies Angels. I say that because the game is about us as a dude that is running a rescue team in a zombie apocalypse and this team is made up of sexy chicks that are called angels. It is a fun premise and one I got into right away.

Leader, Lover, Or Master?

One of the things that I found pretty interesting about the story here is that it can go in different ways in regard to the relationship that you have with your angels. My Fallen Angels allows you to try and romance the girls and have a more loving relationship with them which is the route that I went as I wanted to be a good leader. However, you can also be a more dominant leader of the group and have a more master/slave kind of relationship with the girls. It has certainly made me want to play through it again and see the other side of things.

You Have To Get Up To Get Down!

If you have played any kind of lewd sandbox style game before, My Fallen Angels is not going to confuse you. You have to do the typical stuff here, click around different areas, chat with ladies, select what weapons the girls will use, find items, and so on. There is a lot of clicking around here and I felt that after a while I fell into the groove and it was easy to navigate, but there is a tiny bit of a learning curve here. Making various stats go up is the name of the game here and it does get a bit repetitive towards the end, but you can skip dialogue so you do not have to read the same thing over and over again which is good.

True Blue

The XXX content in My Fallen Angels is awesome! There is a nice amount of sex scenes here and the renders and the animation here is all done very well and I got really into it. There is a nice variety of the ladies here too and there was not one that I did not like the look of. My only gripe here is that there are sex scenes where the MC is this blue silhouette and I just hate it, I am not sure what the thinking here was and it really does take me out of the sex scene.


I really think that My Fallen Angels is a damn solid lewd sandbox game. It has a very interesting story and a story that has replay value as you can play through it in different ways. I liked the RPG style sandbox gameplay, even if it did get a bit repetitive as I was grinding those stats, but you can say that about any game of this style to be fair. Also, the presentation (apart from Mr. Blue!) is fantastic and very well animated too. Be sure to give this game a try, it is a lot of fun.


  • I enjoyed the Charlie’s Angels style story
  • I always like a zombie apocalypse style story in a game!
  • You can play the MC in a few different ways
  • I really got into the groove of the sandbox gameplay here


  • Some may find this a tad too grindy
  • The whole blue dude thing is not something I like

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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