Salt and Sacrifice

a game by Ska Studios, and Devoured Studios
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: RPGs, Dark Souls-like Games, Metroidvania Games, Download Quest Games
Salt and Sacrifice
Salt and Sacrifice
Salt and Sacrifice
Salt and Sacrifice

Salt and Sacrifice is the eagerly awaited successor to the game's spiritual successor of an acclaimed action-adventure series. Are you confused yet? Good. Any fan of the first game will understand how complex and punishing this action RPG was, and they'd expect the same level of brain-whacking from the next game in line.

But there are some big boots to follow after the original's success. There have been a few years between the first release and the now unveiling of Salt and Sacrifice. So there's been time to create what could be a magnificent sequel. However, there's an odd sense of combined nervousness and excitement coming into the game. Do we wonder why that is?

Where's the Pepper?

Jump into Salt and Sacrifice, and you'll find all the gameplay elements that made the original title great. Those include challenging combat, enemy variety, challenging boss fights, and the dark and grim world to explore. You feel great being thrown back into the game that gave you hours of entertainment. However, Salt and Sacrifices' first inherent issue lies- is this the same as the first game?

Nothing stands out to you immediately when starting up Salt and Sacrifice. The visuals are similar, the mechanics remain unchanged, and everything is frustratingly difficult. But as you get into the game, the standout features start to emerge that separate the two titles. You'll find that gameplay is more customizable in terms of combat approaches and different zone-based exploration.

But it's as you get into the nitty-gritty of the game you start to realize all might not be well in the world of Salt and Sacrifice. New essences of gameplay irrelevant to the genre seem to be pasted unnecessarily. You'll have boss fights that feel like an endless drag, grind exploration, and frustrating tasks that resemble Metroidvania games.

Ultimately, the cross-genre influence feels like it detracts from the core of what made Salt and Sacrifice's predecessor great. We will say that gameplay is still fun and pays excellent homage to the Souls series. The disappointment is that there feels like a drive to shake up the gameplay to make it unique, and in the long run, it just doesn't work well.

Hunter for Sacrifice

The critical issue with Salt and Sacrifice is that there's too much focus on incorporating Monster Hunter-style mechanics. Those who enjoy that game style may get a rise out of the grind, but it feels frustrating more than entertaining. The point of this series was to be a homage to Dark Souls and its family with challenging combat and dark themes.


We have an eternal grind that seemed to lose direction when the developers couldn't combine the two sets of mechanics. Let's not take away that Salt and Sacrifice is worth playing. Still, you'll be left feeling frustrated for entirely different challenge reasons. It's just too much grind for the majority's liking.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • The game still has that dark charm of the first
  • Levels of customizability make combat even more interesting
  • The zone exploration is intriguing


  • Boss fights take too long and get frustrating
  • Introduced cross-genre mechanics don't blend well
  • The grind won't appeal to most players

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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