The Book of Bondmaids

a game by Kamti
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Eroge Download
The Book of Bondmaids
The Book of Bondmaids
The Book of Bondmaids

With a cool medieval fantasy story, The Book of Bondmaids is a lewd game that I knew I had to dedicate some real time too! This is actually a sequel to another game, but as I did not find that out until after I had played this, I can say that you do not need to be familiar with the first game before jumping in here. I was very impressed with the way the game looked and if I am being 100 percent honest, that is what kept me playing the game all the way until the end. Also, it is pretty cool how this ended up getting an official release on steam.

A Lich Sits On The Throne

The plot of The Book of Bondmaids feels like something that could have been in an 80s action fantasy movie and I really dig that. The kingdom has been overthrown by a coup that was led by an evil and undead lich! There is a princess that should be on the throne and as part of the old regime, you have to decide what part you will play in the future of the kingdom. Will you try and save the princess and get her back on the throne? Will you serve this new undead master? Or will you just go it alone and be a mercenary for higher?

Saving Your Fate!

One thing I will say about The Book of Bondmaids is that this is the kind of game where you have to pretty much save before every major choice you make. I got into the habit of saving as much as I could. The visual novel aspect of this game has a lot of choices to be made and there are different paths, but there are also different endings. I found that in my first playthrough I locked myself on a particular path and my fate was pretty much set. Also, it is possible to actually fail and have to start over again! Saving frequently reduces the frustration here as when I failed and had to restart, I had not been saving my game so I had to start over again!

Doing What Is Right

As well as the visual novel aspect of The Book of Bondmaids there is also some adventure style gameplay here too. You will have to spend your money wisely on various items, there are different stats to work on which is what I think determines the path and ending you will end up at and there is also the option of summoning people to your chambers or just heading out on a mission. While I like that there is a fair bit to the actual gameplay here. It could perhaps have done with a tutorial to teach players better at how to actually play the game.

The Crown Of The Dragon

The best thing that this game has going for it is the visuals. The Book of Bondmaids is a fantastic looking game that uses a kind of hand-drawn art style to bring this story to life. It is something that is incredibly well done and something I really do like. In many ways, it reminds me of the epic Dragons Crown that came out a few years back. The lewd content that is here is very well done, but it is the overall art style and not just the lewd stuff that I think is very impressive here.


While there are a couple of nitpicks that I do have with The Book of Bondmaids. For the most part, I was thoroughly entertained by this game and I highly recommend that you check it out if you love your fantasy stories. It is a game that is clearly made with a lot of love and the art alone will probably make you want to see it through all the way until the very end.


  • This game looks incredible!
  • I liked the fantasy story that was being told
  • There are different paths and endings in the story
  • It has a kind of Dragons Crown look about it which I liked


  • You do need to make sure you save your game very often
  • It can be hard to know what you have to do next

Download The Book of Bondmaids


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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