F1 ROC II: Race Of Champions Cheats
SNES Cheats
Super engine
Increase your engine level to the limit and invest $100,000 towards the development of a new engine. The Super Engine will be ready after the next race. Hold A + B during a race to use it. Note: The Super Engine can only be used once.
Track selection
Quickly press A(4), B(14) on controller two at the notice screen that appears after the SNES is powered on. Press Up or Down on the course option screen under Grand Prix mode to change tracks.
Time attack mode
Finish a race before time runs out. Quickly press Up, X, Right, Y, Down, B, Left, A(2) on controller two at the notice screen that appears after the SNES is powered on.
Block mini-game
Quickly press X(4), Y(2) on controller two at the notice screen that appears after the SNES is powered on. Destroy the blocks in the multi-player mini-game that will begin.
Pong/Space Invaders mini-game
Quickly press Y(4), X(2) on controller two at the notice screen that appears after the SNES is powered on. A two player mini-game will begin.
Sound test
Quickly press L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R(2) on controller two at the notice screen that appears after the SNES is powered on. Controller one is used to change the music.