Jim Power: The Arcade Game Cheats
Genesis Cheats
Level Skip, Life Increase, Time Increase
- Manufacturer: Electro Brain
- Machine: Super NES
On second controller, press X, A, B, Y, A, B, Y, X, B, Y, X, A, Y, X, A, B for a level skip, life and time increase!
In a level, press these buttons in this order on the second controller: X, A, B, Y, A, B, Y, X, B, Y, X, A, Y, X, A, B. Now, any time during the game, take controller 2 and press LEFT to set the Keys to 9, RIGHT to set the Time to 5:59, DOWN to set the Smart Bombs to 9, UP to set your lives to 9 and the top L button to get the next level.
SNES Cheats
Enable cheat mode
During game play, press X, A, B, Y, A, B, Y, X, B, Y, X, A, Y, X, A, B on controller two.
Increase keys to nine
Enable cheat mode, then press Left on controller two.
Set time remaining to 5:59
Enable cheat mode, then press Right on controller two.
Nine smart bombs
Enable cheat mode, then press Down on controller two.
Nine lives
Enable cheat mode, then press Up on controller two.
Level skip
Enable cheat mode, then press L on controller two.