Justin Garcia CoolDuelist posted a comment: 17 years, 9 months ago
I played this game when I was really young, Playing this takes me back then and brings back good memories. If you ever saw the movie, the game is like the movie, if not, The plot of the game is that Micheal has to save his friend (a little girl named penny) and when he does, he has to face a boss. Finding her isn't easy, she's really well hidden in each level and There are enemies that try and stop you. This game is recommended by me, JGCD.
salman posted a comment: 17 years, 4 months ago
good game and good singer good dancer everyting about mj well is good when my bro got this game i was so happy this dose bring good meromis back and have got the game still i was about 5 yers old when i played this i do miss the good old days so why not play this game if you have not played it yet then you shloud
Andy posted a comment: 16 years, 9 months ago
Well how times have changed!, How many parents would let their children play with Michael Jackson now?, Not many i think!...
mariano heredia posted a comment: 15 years, 7 months ago
ojala que este muy bueno se ve genial adios lo voy a descargar