Beauty and the Thug

a game by Ze-gam-eZ
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Eroge Download, Adult Visual Novels #avn, Lewd Games, f95 Trending, Best NSFW Games, Ren'Py Porn Games
Beauty and the Thug
Beauty and the Thug
Beauty and the Thug
Beauty and the Thug

While Beauty and the Thug is still being worked on, so far, I am very impressed by what I have played here. This is a very entertaining lewd sandbox game that I think could turn into something very special with just a little bit more work. It is the kind of game that really does start to get you more and more invested with what is going on, so much that you will be checking back every couple of days to see if the developer has added any more content to the game!

Finding Herself

The plot of Beauty and the Thug is very interesting as it can go in two pretty dramatic ways. Our main character is a female and she is a 19-year-old clever chick with the world at her feet. Well, one thing happens and she decides to move to the city to try and find herself. Along the way, she gets into a bit of trouble and before long this mafia type dude becomes infatuated with her!

Beast Or Beauty?

Now, you may think that Beauty and the Thug is going to go in the direction of this thug mafia type guy trying to corrupt our sweet heroine into getting with him. Ok, so that is in the game and a pretty big part of it, but there is way more going on here than that. You see, there is also a lesbian route that the game can take too. She reconnects with her old friend and the two of them have some real chemistry, I actually way preferred this storyline to the one with the mafia douche!

Whose Sandbox Will You Play In

If you have played any other lewd sandbox game before, I am pretty sure you will feel right at home with what Beauty and the Thug has going on in terms of the gameplay. You have to speak to people and try to say the right thing. It can be tricky to know for sure what to say to keep on the path you want to be on, but there are guides that can help you. The game seems to have multiple paths too so there does appear to be a fair bit of replay value in this game. While it may not be changing things up greatly for the lewd sandbox game genre, what is here is fun and enjoyable.

That Weird, But Million Dollar Smile!

At first, when I started playing Beauty and the Thug, I will admit that I was not all that attracted to our heroine. However, she is the kind of character that really does grow on you and while at first, I thought her face was kind of weird, I really did start to like the way she looked as the game progressed. The lewd content here is fantastic and if you like your girls to not be fully smooth down there if you know what I am saying, this game will really impress the heck out of you!


I came into Beauty and the Thug expecting it to be a decent at best lewd sandbox game, but I ended up really enjoying my time with this game. I will say that I feel the lesbian route is far more entertaining and better written, but I do like how the game has different ways that the story can go. The gameplay is rather basic, but I do like how it is not trying to make things too complicated just for the sake of doing so.


  • I really grew to like the MC the more the game progressed
  • There is some very good XXX content in this game
  • I liked how different the routes were
  • The lesbian route is one of the better ones I have experienced in a lewd game


  • The mafia type dude is not likable at all
  • The game is still a fair bit away from being completed

Download Beauty and the Thug


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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